Hi and welcome
I had a balloon fitted 8 days ago and have lost over a stone already,although i have to say my monthly cycle was timed well unluckly and so I think I did have water retension maybe?? But still 1stone 4 lb is not bad.
I was going to go to Prague because of the cheap prices but decided against it to be closer to home.
I have to say for me personally I made the right decision to go local in the end due to the sickness and was glad to be sick at home, and was back the same night.
24hrs of none stop vomiting, no pain just a bit heart burn and colic but after 4 days was feeling great. 3 days clear fluid which is all you want,then soft food,then day 5 started to eat different foods.
For me just 8 days has made a difference and I now feel more confident, but the hard work will be maintaining the loss after the balloon is extracted. For me I needed a boost to kick start me into changing. Because you feel normal after a week i ate too much today but ended up bloated uncomfortable and felt like I had eaten two chinese takeaways when all I had really eaten was half a bowel of soup and half a steak and salad all day.
I hope this helps you.I prepared for the worst but only half came. You have to do whats right for you.
I know Twinladyuk has done very well and has had her balloon fitted before me.
I went with the hospital group but you have to do your research to all groups as I have now discovered the national obesity centre maybe better long term.
Good luk with your journey and I will answer any questions you may have.