I really need some help....after months of reasearch I've decided that the lap band procedure is something I could benefit from...I made an appointment with my pcp and he also agreed that bariatric surgery would be helpful and he also said he's sure I'm a candidate..seeing as tho my BMI is 47 and I have hypertension..and also a history of failed dieting and excercise...the receptionist ( I believe that's what she is called...lol not sure) tells me to call my insurance co and see I'm covered...they told me yes 100 percent since I fall under a certain class of obesity....so I'm excited now...they give me a care coordination number to give to my doctors office so that they can "request authorization"...I gave all of this information to the receptionist and she said she would call....after weeks she finally calls and tells me they didn't give her any information...so I call back get her some more information and a new number to call....today...she tells me well I know for sure you will need to be on a supervised diet for one year before so I will call next week...because its not an urgent matter...huh???I feel like I'm getting the run around here why can't she just call so I can get the process started...she isn't even 100 percent sure about the 1 year diet thing.....why not just call so I can get the process started...I'm really frustrated...I've waited so long for this and I just want to get the process started so I know what to do next...but I feel like she is purposely making me wait? Did you have a similar situation???