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New Member
i have just had my 3rd band fill a week ago,yesterday was really bad couldn"t even keep a drink down,was very tempted to have the band out,today i can drink but can"t eat,any suggestions?
I would drink some clear soup to keep yourself going and stop your tummy rumbling. have you tried any tinned soups seived? Baxters pea and ham and french onion are very nice seived. Im sure you will be able to drink them. Keep your chin up. R x
i have just had my 3rd band fill a week ago,yesterday was really bad couldn"t even keep a drink down,was very tempted to have the band out,today i can drink but can"t eat,any suggestions?

hi ollie, it sounds like your band is way 2 tight, i would reccommend a defill as dehydration can take hold very quickly, this happened to me once and i didnt get it seen to and i had to go in for an emergency de fill and be rehydrated by dripp, try to keep sipping the water as at this point water is more important than food, if this doesant improve soon ring your band providor, i hope you feel better soon.

liz x
I totally agree, you cannot sustain like that and need to have a defill.

See how it goes for next 12-24 hours and then get yourself some help - otherwise you will get ill.
:)ollie how is tummy today hun ? I was just wondering how things are.

liz x
Hiya ollie,
I have just read this thread and wondered how things are going?? :hug99:
Xxx Lizzie xxX
still the same,can"t even drink without being sick after a few mouthfulls

ollie i recommend that you definatley go for a de fill, as it will make you ill in the long run and they may even keep you in a few days to rehydrate you, please get it sorted soon b4 its too late, the longer you leave this the worse it will get and you could damage the band through wretching so much when vomiting.

liz x
I didnt realise they could make the band too tight! sorry 4 my shoddy advice, Im new to all this! I hope you get it de filled soon and all is well. Take care R x
Hiya Ollie
Did you go NHS or private?
If private- where you offered any aftercare, if there an emergancy number you can phone?
If NHS I would phone NHS direct and ask for some advice - phone 08454647 .
You might need to have a de-fill like cazbandy and liz have suggested
Good luck and let us know how you get on!!
Xxx Lizzie xxX
ok will ring hospital tomorrow thanks

ok ollie thats good !! i just know what its like as i experienced myself and the dehyration took me b4 i realised what was happening, i dont mean to frighten you or any thing like that but it is serious as the pouch swelling/irritation can close the hole down quicker than ppl think. keep sipping the water dont gulp it.

liz x
thanks can you tell me how to upgrade my membership can"t seem to find where you upgrade

ollie you cant upgrade, the more posts you post the more the site allows access to.
thanks can you tell me how to upgrade my membership can"t seem to find where you upgrade

Upgrade? what do you want to do? this website is free, you have to do about 20 or 50 posts before you can really do anything.
hope this helps,
Xxx Lizzie xxX
50 posts is the key