Having a good old chat with hubby, when he said what you will never be able to eat out ( he meant currys, chippy and pizza ) I said no just a starter maybe?
He looked at me like I'm crazy and said well if that's what you want!!
What I want is the best of both world be smaller and eat loads, but thats not going to happen.
I'm so sick of food controlling my life, so I know this is for me.....
Arrrrrrh silly men!
The band will give you restriction so you will not want bigger portions. You will be able to eat curry and chips and pizza just not a huge amount but you will not have the capasity to eat a huge amount anyway.
I know that at the moment you are so restricted and food will be all that is on your mind. But I am 8 weeks post op tomorrow and I was just in Devon at the weekend on holiday and had fish and chips, its not the end of the world, promise!
I only ate half a portion of each and I enjoyed what I ate, it was my holiday treat and now I am home I am back on the straight and narrow. But if we never allow ourselves to enjoy life, living and that includes FOOD! What a dull life it would be.
You can look and see what I have lost so far and I eat chocolate mousse EVERY DAY! I eat pitta bread at lunch, I make my own curries, I eat pizza. Dont go thinking its the end of the world and that you will never enjoy those foods again, you will! Just not in the portion sizes you did before and not on the regular basis you did before.
I have the sweetest tooth of anyone I know and I could not do this with or without the band without having my daily fix, sometimes twice a day, but it is all in my calorie allowance and its all in balance with other carbs, protien, fat etc.
I use myfitnesspal and it is a god send! Honestly dont let your husband make you question your decision, you do not have to give anything up, promise