Sorry I know I’ve answered your question as best I can on your other post but I’m a little confused now because Luton told us at my MDT that they will not do a gastric band only a bypass or sleeve, does this mean they do them now, I didn’t ever want a band but find it interesting that they wouldn’t do them 2 years ago?Hi
I'm new to here. My GP called me yesterday and told me the good news I have been approved for funding for a gastric band at the L and D hospital. Does anyone know what happens now and how long I have to wait for surgery?
Yes bling when I met Dr Rashid couple of weeks back he got the little booklet out (the one with all the procedures in) to talk though each of them again and he literally put a cross through the Gastric band and said we don't do those here...... but like you it wasn't something I was interested in so i didn't think to question it. Like I said in my last post you never know everyone and every surgeon are so different you really can second guess it these days xSorry I know I’ve answered your question as best I can on your other post but I’m a little confused now because Luton told us at my MDT that they will not do a gastric band only a bypass or sleeve, does this mean they do them now, I didn’t ever want a band but find it interesting that they wouldn’t do them 2 years ago?
Oh gosh yeah there really is so much to take it!!!! I haven't had my surgery yet..... I'm going to be having the RNY Bypass i don't have any medical problems so i got to choose which procedure I wanted. If you have certain medical problems for example reflux or diabetes the surgeon would advise you of the procedure that would be best for you. Like bling Babe and I were saying in the previous post at Luton they do seem to be quite anti Gastric bands and I got the impression they don't do them but i maybe wrong thats something you can discuss with them when you go........ the 3 main procedures they offer are the gastric Sleeve, RNY Bypass and the Loop Bypass. XThanks for replying. Its such a lot to take in. Which surgery have you had? Do they decide which is best for you or do they only do certain types of surgeries? I'm not even sure which one is the best and safest x
I see, I was confused because you said in your post that your having a gastric bandYes bling when I met Dr Rashid couple of weeks back he got the little booklet out (the one with all the procedures in) to talk though each of them again and he literally put a cross through the Gastric band and said we don't do those here...... but like you it wasn't something I was interested in so i didn't think to question it. Like I said in my last post you never know everyone and every surgeon are so different you really can second guess it these days x
I see now, I completed my tier 3 at Luton too so no GP involvementLol no none! I got referred last year and had to do the tier 3 through a weight loss place called busy bees. My GP then contacted L nd D and had to answer questions about what I had achieved through tier 3. Then on Friday my GP called me to say they had agreed funding for surgery! I don't know anymore at this point.
My MDT was with a group of patients having wls, it’s long and depending on how much research you’ve done you can learn a little, you can also take someone with youI now I get you.... I doesn't take much to confuse me I'm such a doughnut. Well done for completing tier 3......I did mine at Luton so just carried straight on to tier 4. So like I said in my last post you should be at the MDT stage which consists of a 4 appointments with a nurse, dietitian, psychologist and anesthetist.(Multidisciplinary Team is a group of professionals from one or more clinical disciplines who together make decisions regarding recommended treatment of individuals).
But because you haven't been seen there before your appointments maybe slightly different. If in doubt you can always give luton a call I'm sure they will be able to fill you inx
This forum in fab though lots of useful info x