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Hi I'm new and could do with some advice re. post op problems


New Member
Hello, am so pleased to have found this forum, I hope somebody out there can be of some help.
I had the Op on 12th September, so nine weeks ago, everything has been going to plan, initially lost about 2 and a half stone and then kind of hit a plateau. I had my first band fill last Thursday, and haven't been feeling too good. My stomach is really swollen and hard and I can feel the port through the skin, it feels as if my stomach is a bit distended and I am in quite a bit of pain. Also I haven't lost any weight for nearly 3 weeks now, and having been on liquids and mush for 6 days after the band fill I presumed it would be falling off !.

I have called the clinic for a chat and the nurse has talked me through stuff, but I just wondered if anybody else has had symptoms like this and should I be worried? I’ve also been suffering from a urine infection and am on antibiotics for that, it could be totally unrelated but I wondered if this was something that people can suffer post op!?!?
i was banded on the 10th of sept and well done on your weightloss its really good, i wouldnt worry about not loosingmuch most people dont till they have good restriction, i havnt felt like you do tho, i can feel my port thru the skin so i think thats normal and dont forget you have lost weight so it will be closer to the surface.
i didnt go onto liquids after my fill, is there a reason you havnt gone back to normal foods yet? can you eat ok if you cant then ring your nurse if you can i dont know what it is but hope you feel better soon
i was banded on the 10th of sept and well done on your weightloss its really good, i wouldnt worry about not loosingmuch most people dont till they have good restriction, i havnt felt like you do tho, i can feel my port thru the skin so i think thats normal and dont forget you have lost weight so it will be closer to the surface.

i didn't go onto liquids after my fill, is there a reason you haven't gone back to normal foods yet? can you eat ok if you cant then ring your nurse if you can i dont know what it is but hope you feel better soon

Most things you read and most providers of fills recommend liquid diets for three days minimum but like im finding its not a blanket rule

Hope you feel better soon and well done on the weight loss
Hi thanks for your replies, its so good to know people are out there who can support you through all this. Ive been having a read of some other posts and am feeling a lot better about things.

After the fill the doctor made me go on liquids for 3 days, then mush for 3 days and now normal food, so I am just back on normal food. I'm hoping that it may all be a build up of wind and am going to try some gaviscon or the like to see if that helps, fingers crossed xxx