Welcome VickiB
Each week since my by-pass I have found more and more of the foods I have been able to eat with no problems and the ones I can’t tolerate.
From what I’ve read on this forum everyone has different experiences. I have had dumping problems with cooked rice, Heinz products with a tomatoes sauce, but not beans strangely, porridge, low fat drinking chocolate. But on the upside I have no problems with steak, chicken, sausages, stews Ect as long as I have very small portions. I even had ½ a Mister Kipling’s mince pie the other day with no problems. I think my rule is to have moderation in all things.
If I have an off day I just stick to liquids like soup, milk and yoghurt.
Eating less after my bypass has been no problem so far as I feel very full very quickly and so don’t have the hunger pangs I used to get. Hope this all helps.