Hi melody and welcome !
It's really lovely you want to support her as she's going to need a full understanding of why she's doing this to herself ..
How much does she have to lose ?
Thinner people can look at us and ask why cant we just stop eating .. It's not that simple .. Eating for some of us is a drug and like a drug addict we seek every day what makes us feel good .. We all have different food drugs , some are chocolate some are savoury , some eat everything they can get their hands on .. Some are grazes and eat all day long , and some don't eat all day but eat all evening until bedtime ..
How can you survive if you don't eat ? Carbohydrates in itself is the worse drug there is .. Those types of food , esp junk food , triggers a hormone that creates a feeling of reward in the brain . Some of us are effected more than others , we are all different ..
Then there's emotional eating .. This wonderful feeling that food gives us makes us feel happy ..
One lady I know admitted to me that she eats to keep herself fat so no man will want to come near her , I won't expand on that , I'm sure you can work this out yourself ..
Weight loss surgery is not a cheats way out .. I get very cross when I hear this ..
If your car is broken you get it fixed , if you have health issues you sort them .. I have over 10st to lose to even get myself in the healthy BMI range and at 53 I'm never going to achieve it on my own ..
How many people have lost massive amounts of weight only to put it all back on ? Our surgeries are painful and life changing and we only get one life so why not get a little helping hand to prolong it ..
One way you can help her is if you can cook and she cannot , you could offer to help teach her to cook from fresh as this is the most important thing she will have to do ..
Sorry for the ramble