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home today yipee


Loves this site x
Hi am feeling better, anestetic nearly gone from me, all dressed and ready to go, feeling weak and tired, bit sore but so can't wait to go home, alice missed me so coming to visit later, now the learning to eat again starts xx
Take it easy and enjoy the journey hun xxx
thats great bexs :) x
Can't wait for my own bed x
Yay bex so pleased for you!!!!

Happy resting
HAve a wonderful sleep tonight hun and heres to the new you xxxxxxxxxxx
Glad to hear you're on the mend and you will start feeling much better once you're home and in your own bed. take care x
Woohooo, there is nothing like getting back into your own bed :)
... well done Bex... take things easy xxx
Take it easy and enjoy your own bed tonight. :)
all the best bex, glad to hear your on the mend x