I arrived at 10am (I was down for an afternoon op) got shown to my room and I sorted out my case, the nurses came and did my wristband and gave me a gown, I got undressed and settled down to watch some tv (private room own telly) and text some friends.
Nurses came about 4pm to say they were running late but I'd be called soon - 6pm my surgeon comes in and says he's very sorry but they ran way over time and could I wait until tomorrow for my op as the theatre staff needed to go home (He did say as I was a private patient I could insist that they stayed and did my op) I said tomorrow would be fine. My surgeon said I must be starving as I'd not eaten all night and got me a menu and told me to have the chicken baguette and chips!! (I'd been on a milk only diet for 2 weeks and heres him saying I could have meat bread chips!!!) I was so scared it would do something to my liver when the nurse came to take my order I found myself saying - Muller lite yougurt and a cup of tea please

After ringing my partner to let him know I watched a bit of telly then went to sleep, my room was right opposite the nurses station so it was a bit noisey but not too bad.
Next day I was first in for my op so 12pm I was walked down to theatre the nurse took my dressing gown and slippers from me and said she'd put them in my room while I signed the consent forms, then I hopped onto the operating table.
I came to about 4pm in the recovery room and dozed on and off until 6pm when I went back to my room after texting my partner to say I was ok and posting on here I slept for most of the night, I had the inflatable stockings on they were strange but not too bad, about 5am I needed a wee and the nurse said she would help me, as I went to get up 1 of my wounds opened up and it looked very dramatic with blood everywhere but that was soon sorted and I was back in bed to sleep until 10am.
A nurse asked me if I wanted to shower and she would help me, there was a chair in the shower if I needed it but I was ok standing, it felt nice to feel clean. The nurse showed me how to inject my tummy which I would need to do for the next 6 days.
I was on cups of tea or water only for a few days I had a bottle of water in my hand constantly and was sip sip sipping all day.
I had blood tests done and they went off to the lab, my surgeon came to visit me and said all went well he just had an issue with the final incision which meant my pouch was smaller than he usually does but that should help with weight loss (usually does them 15ml mine was 12ml)
I was told my white blood count was low and if I were to go home tomorrow as planned then that needed to be higher so my planed am release was put off until pm so my bloods could be tested, luckily they were ok and I was released with a bag full of meds including kids paracetamol and my injections I had to do!!
I rang for a taxi and took myself and my suitcase outside for some fresh air to wait for the taxi for the 15 mile journey home.
At no point did I have any pain killers as I honestly had no pain.