Hi I was told by my nurse that I could go back to the pool about 4 weeks post op but if I felt up to it earlier to make sure I put waterproof plasters over the cuts to protect the glue or stitches I presume. Now this may be a guide from my hospital and not others so I would use your own judgement and perhaps if you do not stay in too long. But then Karens advice could be better than mine as my nurse seems to be convinced I can leave hospital and take my normal tablets straight away without having to have liquid forms of them and that I should be on solids by the time I go away on holiday when I won't even be 5 weeks post op, the dietician doesn't agree with her so she may not be the best to take advice from.
I would watch in a hot tub if you are keep it on a very low setting .. It takes 12 weeks for your innards to heal and probably plus some.. Hot tubs are fab tho xx
I waited till I was 3 months out and then kept to the softer jets. I could definately feel a pressure in my stomach and 'innards' when I went near the more powerful jets. Am ok now at 9 months out.
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