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How can you tell the difference between a blockage and fullness

this is hard question to answer if your sick with either and you dont know the difference then you havent learnt where your fullness point is, and knowing how much food is correct for the amount for the restriction you have at the time. everyone is different because of different amounts of fill and band sizes, once u learn when to stop eating portion wise and learn to listen to your body you can then learn from there, a block usually occurs if the food is eaten way too quickly and now chewed then the rest of the meal cant pass slowly and if u keep eating past the amount what your pouch can take it will make you vomit, this is where the importance of learning portion control must come into play with a band in my opinion. Also if your blocked you will start throthing up saliva when being sick as it has no pathway thro, ive tryed to answer this the best way i can.
Hi there,

Fullness to me is the same sensation as before. It just happens much much faster. It's that...man If I have one more mouthful that's it feeling. It can happen four mouthfuls into a meal or once I have finished, it depends on the food type but it's the same old feeling of just knowing you cannot fit another mouthful in.

Blockages feel very different. They can be painful, as food is wedged in oesophagus and it means tou cannot swallow your own spit, so it builds up behind the food and sort of bubbles. It's felt as a tightness in chest (as this is where food is sitting) and sometimes, by sipping warm water of fluid gently you can shift it but sometimes the only option is to regurgitate it back up. It's not like vomiting in the conventional sense as it never made it to your stomach properly.
I'm the same as Caz. A blockage is very painful and I have to vomit it up as soon as I can. I get this if I eat too quickly but I also get it with foods that don't agree with me. I'm still learning what doesn't agree with me.

The fullness is like normal fullness to me but I feel it much quicker. However I am still learning and have often ignored it thinking I can manage one more mouthful and then I'm in trouble.

I am still very new to this and learning every day.
When I have a blockage my nose runs as all the saliva backs up and comes down my nose and sits in the back of my throat. When this happens I have to make myself sick which at the moment is a daily occurence.When I'm full I just feel as I did before knowing that if I eat anything more I'll be uncomfortable. Its taken me a year to figure out which is which but its a feeling you will get to know as time goes by. Good luckxxxx