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How fast is weight loss?

Hey everyone.

Just before my surgery on Tuesday, I took a note of my weight from the hospitals records and I was 128.8kg.

Bought some digital scales today and weighed myself for the first time and it's saying 121.4kg.

Have I really lost all of that in the 3 days since surgery or should I get a refund on the scales? lol Not quite sure how quickly weight falls off following surgery so didn't want to celebrate until someone says loosing 7kg in 3 days is pretty standard.

Thanks :D
That sounds possible...doesn't it?! There seems a huge variant of WL in the first few months with most people. I have not yet been tempted to purchase a new set of scales...I am 5 days post op now. Sold my old ones at a car boot a month before the op!
That sounds possible...doesn't it?! There seems a huge variant of WL in the first few months with most people. I have not yet been tempted to purchase a new set of scales...I am 5 days post op now. Sold my old ones at a car boot a month before the op!

I never liked weighing myself when on diets and rarely did... seeing little or no change would always demotivate me. I wasn't even going to buy scales but my dietitians will be phoning me soon and they want to know my weight.
I have been weighed once since my surgery, Which was 2 weeks post op at my follow op consultation,

That point I had lost 38lbs. I only want to weight myself monthly otherwise if I dont do to well then I'll consider myself a failure!
Hun when i had my op i was losing a pound a day... you can see my weight loss below... everybody is different some lose lots, some gradually, some wont lose for about a week. pick a day and use that as your weigh day. i had my op on a friday.. so every friday is my weigh day.. that way you get a nice surprse when you stand on the scale. and remember even if you lose half a pound..its weight loss xxx
I don't think it is unreasonable to lose that much so quickly, but do remember that your hospital weigh in would probably have been at a different time of day and possibly with more on than your weigh in at home?

Also scales do vary a bit. If you take your new weight as your starting weight and then weigh in at the same time each week to get your accurate weight loss.
Thats 1 stone 1lbs in 3 days, thats loads. Like someone said use that weight as your starting point and always in the same place.
Just noticed your male and they lose much quicker than females (grrr) so its probably right. :)
I lost 16lbs in the first week following surgery, but I always make sure I weigh on the same scales at Boots.
I could understand if it was just a couple of pounds difference between the hospitals and my scales but 1 stone is a huge change. I'm wearing pretty much the same as I was when they weighed me just before the procedure.

I'll use it as my starting weight and continue from there. May also pop to Boots too just to make sure their scales say the same thing, even to give myself peace of mind that my scales are as accurate as they possibly can be.

I've been somewhat active with walking dogs etc rather than "taking it easy" as I should really be doing so that might have contributed.

Saw an advert on TV for a McDonalds and it actually put me in the mood for one but I just keep telling myself that it is psychological. Starting to learn to listen to my stomach rather than my head, its voice has gotten ever so much louder. :D
OOnion said:
I think I will go to Boots and climb aboard with my 20p ! x

Better make it 50p!! Lol
Well dun :) x

Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
The best I can advise is try stick to one scale through out your journey, and try not be obsessive. I'm obsessed and weigh almost every day. It's not healthy. And there is genuinely no rhythm nor rhyme in the changing numbers, one day up and five hours later down, or visa versa, as long as over a 7-10 day period it's declining, then all is as is should be.
Personally i take no notice of my gp's or surgeon's scale. Never ties up with mine.
Oh yes, always advisable to weigh the same time of day and same day of week. That's what the experts say. But if you are anything like me, it's a daily occurrence :)