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How long before I am out of pain?


New Member
And I mean pain, it is excruciating, I'm freezing and feel sick. Really not doing well, and wondered how long I might have to enjoy this until it starts to get better?

Going to see nurse tomorrow to get my wounds looked at and next Monday to get the staples out.

In so much pain, I am really regretting getting this operation done.

ooo sweeets if its that bad id get yourself to a n e tonight... dont be suffering!.... people have said there in discomfort on here but i havent read of someone in excruciating pain tho im pre op so i dont know personally...i really hope your pain free soon, and when your more comfortable im sure you wont regret anything xx
Please don't regret it. But I really do think you should see someone ASAP. I had my bypass by keyhole surgery & other than a few days of trapped wind, I had no pain. In fact I've still got the painkillers I was discharged from hospital with.

Take care & I hope you're feeling better soon.
Was it open or keyhole surgery?? I wasn't in too much pain just a bit of discomfort but I did keep on top of taking my pain relief. I was back at work after 10 days as well. Maybe its trapped wind, that can be really painful. Try sipping mint tea or taking remegel wind relief stuff. If its not that then maybe popping to A & E would be a good idea.

Hope you feel better soon.
I can add to the advice already given, but want to send you big hugs and hope you get sorted really soon.
Hope you are ok, I wasnt in severe pain although I felt like id been run over for a few days....didnt take pain killers after I came home from hospital. XX
Hope u feel better soon - sounds horrendous xx
Mine was open but i can't say i had excruciating pain, discomfort yes but not pain to that level... If it's so bad get to A & E and get your wound looked at and some serious pain killers or whatever they think you need..

Don't suffer like this unnecessarily....

Trust me when i say in a few months time you will have no regrets xx
Went to gps to have my wounds checked by a nurse, and where it is hurting is a little inflamed. she has put gauze on it to give it some air and told me to come back if it starts weeping or I get a fever.

Pain is still there, but a bit more manageable today. Most the time if I sit still I can't feel it, though it does sting a bit. My voltarol tablets, muscle relaxants, are a life saver, they really help take the pain down. Paracetamol doesn't seem to.

Still feeling sick, but I don't handle medicines too well, so reckon it is them.

still in pain, wish I could take more than 3 voltarols a day.

Hate moving, especially getting out of bed, feels like it is all ripping inside me.

started a diary but not going to put it on here, you see I am a writer, not published as yet, so I am going to write my diary and then send it to a publishers.

Voltarol can make you feel sick pet. It's worth asking for some anti-sickness pills to help with that. It sounds like you may have a low pain thresh-hold. That's nothing to be ashamed of, some people feel pain more than others. I'm still very sore 8 weeks after my second operation.
I hope it gets better every day; it should do. Good luck with your diary: I'm planning on doing the same with mine!
Love and hugs
Grace xxx
I've got fastab for my stomach, mixed with a little low sugar vimto squash they don't taste so bad, though they don't dissolve as much as I would like, I keep coughing on the bits. Then again, because of allergies and asthma, I keep coughing anyway! Oh well, at the moment it feels like the pain will never go away but hopefully soon it will ease enough to be more bearable.

Good luck with your diary idea, I don't think there is enough information in book form about the realities, good and bad, of bariatric surgery.

I've got fastab for my stomach, mixed with a little low sugar vimto squash they don't taste so bad, though they don't dissolve as much as I would like, I keep coughing on the bits. Then again, because of allergies and asthma, I keep coughing anyway! Oh well, at the moment it feels like the pain will never go away but hopefully soon it will ease enough to be more bearable.

Good luck with your diary idea, I don't think there is enough information in book form about the realities, good and bad, of bariatric surgery.


Jacquera, fastab's are not painkillers. They are to help us prevent stomach ulcers in our little tums. I have been told by a friend you can get them in tablet form and intend to myself as they irritate the heck out me too and don't dissolve probably.

Get yourself some calpol or liquid paracetamol for the pain xxx
i know everyone has different pain levels have you got a hot water bottle or can you have a bath ,if it gets worse go hospital love xxxxxxwishing you pain free x