Small bowl of cereal, or
1 slice of toast with a scraping of low fat spread –not butter
1 slice bread or 2 crispbreads
Small portion lean meat or fish, or
Small portion cheese, or 2 eggs (not fried)
Green salad or tomatoes (no dressing)
Small portion lean meat or fish, or
Small portion low fat cheese, or 2 eggs, or
Tofu or Quorn based dish
1 small potato or 2 tablespoonfuls pasta or rice
Vegetables (as many as you like except for high carbohydrate root
vegetables – e.g. Potatoes)
1/3 pint milk (skimmed or semi-skimmed) for use in drinks and on
2 portions of fruit (e.g. apple, orange, banana, pear)
Free water, tea, coffee, low calorie squash or fizzy drinks
1 low fat, low sugar yogurt or fromage frais