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well its now a week since having my gastric band so just one more week on the liquid diet, but even though i am still suffering with the trapped wind, today i really feel hungary and am getting really fed up with yoghurts and soups without bits. now i know that i am limited in what im allowed to have but does anyone have any ideas on any thing different just to maybe curb the hunger pangs or should i slightly increase the amounts that i am having. i would be greatful for any suggestions:sigh:
First, are you getting enough fluids (at least 2000 mils per day)? That can make you feel like you need to eat. Second how often and what are you eating. Not enough protein or too few 'meals' can leave you feeling empty. You should at this stage (liquid) be eating 8-10 times per day and most everything you eat should have a protein value of some kinds.
Things you might want to add if you aren't already doing:

Build-up powdered shake mixes (use milk)
Build-up chicken soup
(both products have added protein & will up your fluid count)
A little instant mash potato flakes in beef or chicken broth for a bit of texture and a 'fuller' feeling

As always follow your doc's instructions first but these are things that helped me.

Good Luck!
thanks for the prompt reply. I think i'm getting enough fluid intake, but am finding at the moment that the more i drink (and i am only sipping, not gulping) the worse the wind is. I know that it is all trial and error but just frustrating at times as i'm always afraid that i am having too much at once.
morning everyone, have been up since the crack of dawn as i have now developed a tickly cough and boy does it hurt to cough, but anyway spent some time reading diaries of other banders and after reading with much interest have realised that i may not be eating enough, so today i am going to keep up with the fluids and try to increase the amount that i have with my soups and yoghurts etc and see how i get on today and hopefully the trapped wind will settle down today. have a good day everyone xx