Hi all I'm back after a very long break... I started my journey in 2010. Got referred to mr sigurdson at the heartlands hospital where he agreed to fit a band... my funding was then rejected which left me absolutely devastated I found out shortly after that I was type 2 diabetic my BMW at the time was 52 and I weighed 23 stone . Anyway moving forward a few years... the doctors tried me on all sorts of Meds but nothing was doing much for my diabetes. Until I got rushed in to hospital with a abscess that had burst and was poisoning my blood. I saw a specialist shortly after who prescribed victoza and jardiance. I asked if he could refer me again for bariatric surgery. He agreed this was last years have been to appointments and things during the year I have just received my date 23/11/17 with mr rink at Shrewsbury hospital in the last 3 years I have lost just over 4 stone I now have a BMi of 42 and weigh 18st 5lb... still along way to go but this time around things seem to be going to plan... sorry for the long post but hope to get to know some of u and follow ur stories and share mine too xx