as the quote goes . . ."people who matter don't mind and those who mind . .dont matter" and this is so very true. I used to feel like you, that nothing I did was worth it. And even tho I don't "love me", I do like who I am, and that I've now gotten to a place where I want to get beyond that, and do things for me. I had my band fitted yesterday, but it actually took me over 7 years to get to this point for various reasons.
People are judgemental out of ignorance, because they do not understand or "get it", they don't know the battles we face or the things that we do or need to. They really don't matter.
It is times such as these we find out who are real friends are too . . .
Do this for you, and I hope that in time, you will have that belief that you ARE worth it . .
Shout or PM me if you ever want to chat
Kat x