Hiya all
I'm on day 10 post op and am not getting enough protein at all.
I have 1 pot of shape zero (I eat around the bits) 100-150mls of soup (currently Heinz tomato or oxtail) nas squash and about 1.5l water each day plus a cup of ovaltine, if I remember.
I know this isn't enough protein, but I can't stomach slimfast, complan or protein shakes - they all make me gag, just by the smell. I don't drink milk on it's own as it makes me sick (literally :9529
- I can have milk in hot drinks and when I was on Lighter Life I liked their choc shake and tomato soup which contained milk.
As I only have four more days of this liquid stage should I stop worrying as I will be able to get more protein once I can have flaked fish etc. Or should I be serching for some sort of liquid alternative?
Any suggestions on what I could drink will be gratefully received.
I'm on day 10 post op and am not getting enough protein at all.
I have 1 pot of shape zero (I eat around the bits) 100-150mls of soup (currently Heinz tomato or oxtail) nas squash and about 1.5l water each day plus a cup of ovaltine, if I remember.
I know this isn't enough protein, but I can't stomach slimfast, complan or protein shakes - they all make me gag, just by the smell. I don't drink milk on it's own as it makes me sick (literally :9529
As I only have four more days of this liquid stage should I stop worrying as I will be able to get more protein once I can have flaked fish etc. Or should I be serching for some sort of liquid alternative?
Any suggestions on what I could drink will be gratefully received.