As you all know I got a bit fed up after having my op and thinking i had wasted my hard earned money. Well I take it all back!
To every one having their op and just had their op try not to get disheartened like I did. I went all the way to Manchester for my fill, but it was the best £125 I have spent (apart from my op money lol) I couldn't have hoped for a better restriction, it truely has been good. I know that the restriction will slacken off but at least I know the band works. The Doctor was fab, I had it done under xray. I could kick myself because I meant to ask her if there was any fluid in the band after my op. Any way it said on the card she gave me that I had a 5ml fill. I have been at work all weekend and my boss dished me up this huge sunday dinner. Well she said to my to try the pork. I had a tiny bit chewed and chewed it but OMG it got stuck. I had to go in the kitchen gagging and told her I had bad indigestion and that it went down the wrong way ha ha. Well I can't eat bread, I can't eat loads just very small ammounts of food at one time and I am so so happy. So I thought I would share my joy with you all, who have been so supportive. Let the good times roll!
............sorry can't stop grinning lol.