Hi everyone
I dont post much, I tend to read the posts that apply to me and say very little (really inspiring posts by the way!!)but I think I need some advice if possible!
I saw my Dr on Jan 12th and he said he would refer me for gastric bypass surgery, but he also refered me to the mental health team for my anti-depressants to be looked at as I have suffered anxiety and panic since my sons birth nine years ago and the meds were not working as well as they once did.. Well that was fine and I saw a counseller who decided I was anxious due to my weight as when i'm slimmer (not been slim since 1996 LOL) I dont need meds. The counseller referred me to the eating disorder clinic that have diagnosed 'binge eating disorder' (great stuff, tell me something I dont know..when I'm sad I eat alot !!). I then received a letter from the PCT in East Lancs asking for consent to see my medical records..No probs.. I rang the PCT this morning to see whats happening now as that was three weeks ago, and she said that I need a report from the dietician,which I will need to see at my doctors as I've not seen one since 1996. I then stupidly said 'do you need a report from the psycologist? to which she replied are you seeing the eating disorder clinic? I said yes and she replied 'OH'.
Have a blown it? will they not recommend me now I have pshcological problems with eating?? Really concerned I've blown my chances now as cannot afford to pay for the op myself. Help !!
I saw my Dr on Jan 12th and he said he would refer me for gastric bypass surgery, but he also refered me to the mental health team for my anti-depressants to be looked at as I have suffered anxiety and panic since my sons birth nine years ago and the meds were not working as well as they once did.. Well that was fine and I saw a counseller who decided I was anxious due to my weight as when i'm slimmer (not been slim since 1996 LOL) I dont need meds. The counseller referred me to the eating disorder clinic that have diagnosed 'binge eating disorder' (great stuff, tell me something I dont know..when I'm sad I eat alot !!). I then received a letter from the PCT in East Lancs asking for consent to see my medical records..No probs.. I rang the PCT this morning to see whats happening now as that was three weeks ago, and she said that I need a report from the dietician,which I will need to see at my doctors as I've not seen one since 1996. I then stupidly said 'do you need a report from the psycologist? to which she replied are you seeing the eating disorder clinic? I said yes and she replied 'OH'.
Have a blown it? will they not recommend me now I have pshcological problems with eating?? Really concerned I've blown my chances now as cannot afford to pay for the op myself. Help !!