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I'm new and worried !

Fizzy donna

New Member
Hi all I am new here and so am saying hello :) I am due to have my bypass in 2 weeks at st anthonys in cheam under Marcus reddy . I am sssooo nervous now and scared something will go wrong !!! I need to have this so I can start living some kind of life again but I cannot shake the fear off !! I have found this site very helpful and enjoy reading all your posts :) xx
Hi Donna :D and welcome to the site.
I remember being just as worried as you, it really is very scary and daunting but here i am 7 months on and i couldnt be happier with my bypass, i had a very easy time and ive lost 7 1/2 stone !!
You will be fine hun and you wouldnt be normal if you werent worried at all, I can honestly say that i would do it again in a heartbeat, its changed my life !! im more confident and down from a size 28 to an 18 :O :O , i go out more and live a much better life,
You must try not to worry and look forward to your new life :D
Thanks for your kind words Dawn . Looks like u have done fantastically well and u should be very proud of yourself I hope for such results myself :) x x
Hi Donna :)

Welcome to the site and good luck on your operation ...

Are you private or NHS?? ...

Nicky xx
Ooh jsut saw you was NHS ???

How long has it taken you as i assume you under St Georges hospital too ??

Nicky xx
Donna, i dont think there is one person who has not been worried about their op, it wouldnt be normal not to worry , but i can really say its the best thing i ever did i am 13 weeks out from op and i have lost 4 stone since and 3 prior from a size 32 to a 20 .............. i have never felt so good and i go to the gymn every other day and love it x
good luck with your journey xx
It's a stupid person that isn't frightened or nervous about major surgery.

However as others have said you will be a new person in 6 months time.... Your life is just about to start xx
I am under st georges nicky and it has taken 16 months from docs initial referral . A long and depressing road and now the end is in sights I start having doubts lol !! Don't get me wrong I am excited too just worried about leaving my children x x the list at st georges too long so put me onto st anthonys which is great and I'm very grateful . Thanks for all your welcomes means a lot xxxx
Hi Donna

I am a year behind you and at times i find it hard to put it to the back of my mind...

I have heard St Anthonys is great and they will take care of you.. Big hugs and we are all here for you :)

Nicky xx
Good luck with your op. You will be fine once you are done and dusted and wondered what you were worrying about in a few weeks time.I am sure if you are full of questions ask away coz someone will know the answer

All the best

Thanks all so much for your kind words and encouragement :) I'm sure it will keep me going in the right direction xxx:)
Hi Donna, Im due for Gastric surgery but no date yet, am excited and scared in one, just hope it will change my life, want it done now, you be fine, just think how better you will be hun x