like you say lisa, something good has come out of this week, im getting some c lothes that fit, but i will be taking my clothes into the acorn centre when i get home, so im more or less swapping them, i do have a lot of clothes that are unworn, so i dont feel cheeky at taking things now. they said it would be about a week, bt could be either side of that, so i would imagine, a week from monday, cos they wont start work on the main till monday, it hasnt started yet, i know that. fingers crossed they manage to do it in a week, but if it takes longer, so be it, at least i know i have a home to go back too, not like some of the poor families, so i have no right to complain, im one of the lucky ones, about 90% are back in there homes now, maybe a bit less than that, but the majority anyway, so things are getting there, but the whole merlin road area is still cordoned off, and to access my bungalow from the car park, we have to go on merlin road, as there backs, are on martin drive, where i live. so hopefully they can clear a lot of it away this week. then i think a lot more normality will happen.