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im really sorry dunno wats going on !!


New Member
Hi all sorry not been about but fell of track with the bank holiday etc now feel im in a rut !!! again!!! I havw woke up ans decidedto sign bkon minimins and try and getback on track i was doing well really dont know y i have gone this way again i meannot eating like used to but feel like let myself down again.

sarah x
Look - the reason you are having surgery is the same as all of us - you cant do it without help. How many times have I dieted and fallen off the wagon - countless! So you had a bad weekend - its ok, you can get back on track now - do you have a date for surgery yet or are you just in the hospital system?
When I was 'in the system', I ate for England - like a woman possessed - talk about last meal - it was last meal every night! I think that as long as you maintain the weight that you have lost and dont put on huge amounts then you should be ok. I put on weight between appointments then got a stomach bug and managed to lose some. Just take it a day at a time - youve already lost 19 lbs which is bloody marvellous!

You are doing brilliantly...19lbs is a massive acheivement. 5lbs more and you will have lost 2 stone!!! Thats really excellent.

I know it's horrid when you fall off the tracks but all you can do is pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on walking to the next station and get back on the next train.

When I have a bad moment, and I still do occasionally, I just sit down for 5 minutes and look at all the reasons that made me go there. More than often, it is for emotional reasons or boredom. I am getting better at dealing with this week by week and so will you.

Don't allow that awful guilt to take over, you are only human and none of us are perfect thats for sure.

Keep coming here and we will support and help you through the tough times, that's what mini's is for :grouphugg:
Hi all sorry not been about but fell of track with the bank holiday etc now feel im in a rut !!! again!!! I havw woke up ans decidedto sign bkon minimins and try and getback on track i was doing well really dont know y i have gone this way again i meannot eating like used to but feel like let myself down again.

sarah x

Sarah you have done great. You are more than half way to the lost consultant recommended. Don't be to hard on yourself.

I do know how you feel though, I've struggling since I went to cinema last week :mad:. I woke up this morning with good intensions and ate 2 bowls of cornflakes :eek:. There is still time to make up for it I hope.

I wish they would let us know one way or other about Op and that us give the kick up backside we need :).
You have done so well Sarah, I'm sure you will get back on track. You are doing this at the mo. without the tools of by-pass or band, so it is all your own work - a bit like sewing by hand rather than with a sewing machine - if you see what I mean x

You have done so well to loose 19lbs by yourself thats such a achievement,you should be really proud of yourself.
I remember when i came out of hospital after my failed bypass due to a fatty liver i thought "bugga it why am i bothering"and i went and had a macdonalds,after eating it i felt really guilty dont get me wrong i enjoyed it,but it was a case of `this is why i need a tool to help me loose weight`
So i came home and started again on the healthy eating,everyone has a hic cup when they are dieting,dietician say there are no,no foods as it makes you crave it more,but there are healthy alternatives tho.

You know you can do this and 19lbs proves you can,dont dwell on the past few days,as cazbandy says you are only human.
I know you said you are in the system but it might be worth a call to see how far up the system you are,and maybe remind them you are still waiting.

Good luck.
