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In agony


New Member
I had my band 7 days ago and was ok until yesterday morning , I have been i. Absolute agony since my shoulder is excruciating and my port site is really sore anyone else have this problem and how long is this likely to last ? X
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like wind in the shoulder but I am sure someone more experienced will give better advice than me.

Get well soon tho xx
sounds indeed like wind pain which shows itself in shoulder pain.

Port area is commonly sore and can be for a good many weeks, for some post op. Contact your provider if you're worried tho!
Thanks guy I'm feeling much better today , the shoulder pain has gone and I can deal with the port soreness big smiles from me today :))) x
I just saw this Rosie darlin... Glad your feeling better.

I still get the odd twinge of pain in my shoulder when I eat a tad to quickly, but I'm trying my hardest to eat on the 20/20/20 ( Topkat talked me thru before I had my band) but just wanted to post to see your ok .... Xxxx
Aww thanks hunny I'm much much better now Monday and Tuesday were really painful but yesterday and today I've felt brill , I've even done some gardening today lol x
Aww thanks hunny I'm much much better now Monday and Tuesday were really painful but yesterday and today I've felt brill , I've even done some gardening today lol x

That's great news... Little and often chick ...

You enjoying the band ? Xxx
Well yes and no I've lost nearly 2 stone already but I think I'll appreciate it a bit more when I have more energy , its got to the point where I'm just soo bored of this liquid diet that I don't have much of it so my energy level are quite low . Hopefully when I go to the next stage ill feel a bit better . How are you getting on ? X
I'm good darling, mentally the grieving process is over I feel ... Lost 22lbs so I'm chuffed to bits. Long way to go. I'm happy if I'm honest ... Hope is back in my mind as is positive thoughts. Got a few concerns about the site and some users but other than that I'm blessed to have my band be recovering well and that I'm a nice person who wants to share and help others .... I'm so pleased to hear you are healing well ... Its early days still so I'm sure your energy levels will get better as you adjust.

Btw my provider said I could go to mushy at 10 days post op... I'm enjoying it much better ... Might be worth asking ESP if you are healing well ... It's stopped my mind putting the mushy foods in to my tummy and intestines .... Good luck sweetie always here for ya xxx
Yes I know exactly what and who your talking about , I've read it all and think its awful that people come to this site to get support from others in the same boat and get scared off by bully no it Alls who think cos they have been their done that and got the t shirt they can put others down . I have had a lot of friends and family that think I'm stupid to blow 5k when I could just diet and exercise ! (Like I haven't tried that one ) and I bet others have the same kind of people saying that to them too so I found this site in hope I could surround myself with positive people . Now if I'd have come on and posted that I've made a mistake and binged on my pre op and got lashed off other members then I would not bother coming on here again and would probably feel very alone . Which ultimately is horrible . So people should really think before they put others down . Lol rant over ...... And breathe
I'm gonna go make myself some runny mash I think xx
Ahh bless.
I just think I'm not one to judge .who am I to pass judgments on anyone, I've lost 4st put on 5st lost 6st and it goes on, I haven't told any one ... My OZh and that's it and he makes it difficult so I come here for understanding and support. I'm a troubled soul at the best of times and blessed to have only interacted with some amazing honest Inspiring people who I hope with the weight loss will just blossom along with me on my journey,

Hats off to you for being brave and standing your ground sweet.

All the best, just check with your provider darling but I do believe most bring the mushy / soft stage early if you are coping well with liquids ...

Enjoy my sweetheart :) xxx
Here here

We are all so passionate about doing well and weight loss is the one thing we all have in common as well as weight gain!!

If I had even a modicum of self control I wouldn't have gone down this path! But here I am after years of being slim fat slim fat

Lovely to find some like minded positive folk out there!
Well done girls xxx