Hi everyone,
I'm now 5 days post op, just wondering can I have a bath with my incisions? I know a shower is best but I'd love a nice soak!! I have wot looks like water proof dressings on so thought I could maybe have a nice bath with the dressings on then after take them of clean the incisions and put clean dressings on?? How long did everyone keep there dressings on for? I've got 5 incisions and am amazed at how well there looking
I'm now 5 days post op, just wondering can I have a bath with my incisions? I know a shower is best but I'd love a nice soak!! I have wot looks like water proof dressings on so thought I could maybe have a nice bath with the dressings on then after take them of clean the incisions and put clean dressings on?? How long did everyone keep there dressings on for? I've got 5 incisions and am amazed at how well there looking