New Member
Well i have posted a few times but decided to now keep a diary.
I am 2 weeks post op and have lost 23lbs in total now which i am well happy with! 23lbs in 4 weeks wow
Been a turbulant 4 weeks mind you, what with having the op and loosing my uncle very suddenly, only an uncle some may say? but no he was closer to me than my dad, he gave me away (twice lol!) at my wedding(s) and meant the world to myself and my daughters.
But i am very proud of the fact that I am making this work as he lent me the money to have this done as he could see how unhappy i was, I just wish he could be here to see the results:cry:
I love socialising with my very close group of friends, we are (not proud of this fact) typical weekend binge drinkers, not going out before we are unable to walk on a bottle of voddie! But i have been very good and the last couple of weekends i have been to friends houses and just had squash and not gone to the pubs with them after, i have realised that you cant go out with my friends when u r sober lol! God is that really what I am like after a skin full???
I am now onto my 'mush' stage but have found over the weekend that i can actually eat most things
My girls had a donner kebab last night and it smelled so nice i decided to nibble on a bit, we have a lovely kebab house near us and thank god its not a nasty greasy one! I did think, this aint gonna be easy but it went down very nicely! I stopped myself after 3 strips but i am angry with myself for having them!
I suppose however that I DID actually stop because before i would have had a large one with chips and finished off their leftovers too!!!
So thats it they are now officially banned from my house unless im not here lol!
I have been honest, not that there is any shame in having it done nor wanting to keep it quiet, and told the whole world that i have had this done most people have been very very supportive and to those that havnt??? well they can
Yes im looking forward to looking damn good in new clothes when i can go buy them, but more importantly i am looking forward to feeling healthy, being able to walk to work without dragging on my asthma inhaler! I have noticed the difference already mind you!
I am going to be around for a long time to see my family and grandchildren (not yet tho please my 17 & 15 year old girls i am talking in the future!!!!!) grow and not by getting bigger and bigger and subjecting myself to all those nasty obese related health conditions that i was heading towards!
So this is me blondelozzie, getting smaller blondelozzie instead of big blondelozzie!
I welcome any advice, comments or critisms, i love a chat and a gossip and most of all I am learning to love myself! (thankyou darling uncle for this opportunity)
wooooohooooo 23 bloody pound gone!!!! yeyyyyyy:8855:
I am 2 weeks post op and have lost 23lbs in total now which i am well happy with! 23lbs in 4 weeks wow
Been a turbulant 4 weeks mind you, what with having the op and loosing my uncle very suddenly, only an uncle some may say? but no he was closer to me than my dad, he gave me away (twice lol!) at my wedding(s) and meant the world to myself and my daughters.
But i am very proud of the fact that I am making this work as he lent me the money to have this done as he could see how unhappy i was, I just wish he could be here to see the results:cry:
I love socialising with my very close group of friends, we are (not proud of this fact) typical weekend binge drinkers, not going out before we are unable to walk on a bottle of voddie! But i have been very good and the last couple of weekends i have been to friends houses and just had squash and not gone to the pubs with them after, i have realised that you cant go out with my friends when u r sober lol! God is that really what I am like after a skin full???
I am now onto my 'mush' stage but have found over the weekend that i can actually eat most things
My girls had a donner kebab last night and it smelled so nice i decided to nibble on a bit, we have a lovely kebab house near us and thank god its not a nasty greasy one! I did think, this aint gonna be easy but it went down very nicely! I stopped myself after 3 strips but i am angry with myself for having them!
I suppose however that I DID actually stop because before i would have had a large one with chips and finished off their leftovers too!!!
So thats it they are now officially banned from my house unless im not here lol!
I have been honest, not that there is any shame in having it done nor wanting to keep it quiet, and told the whole world that i have had this done most people have been very very supportive and to those that havnt??? well they can

Yes im looking forward to looking damn good in new clothes when i can go buy them, but more importantly i am looking forward to feeling healthy, being able to walk to work without dragging on my asthma inhaler! I have noticed the difference already mind you!
I am going to be around for a long time to see my family and grandchildren (not yet tho please my 17 & 15 year old girls i am talking in the future!!!!!) grow and not by getting bigger and bigger and subjecting myself to all those nasty obese related health conditions that i was heading towards!
So this is me blondelozzie, getting smaller blondelozzie instead of big blondelozzie!
I welcome any advice, comments or critisms, i love a chat and a gossip and most of all I am learning to love myself! (thankyou darling uncle for this opportunity)
wooooohooooo 23 bloody pound gone!!!! yeyyyyyy:8855: