yorkie puddin!
Hi guys i havent been on since novemeber last year :sigh: and in that time a lot has changed apart from my weight lol
In the first year of surgery the weight dropped steadyish never fast but that was ok i had no health issues so i was happy but iv always been an emotional eater so when my marriage started to go pear shaped the healthy eating and exersize went by the way side..........
problems started in september of last year, with my new found confidence i wanted to do more be more active , go more places , have more fun but i wanted to do it all with my husband and he wasnt keen. You think that loseing nearly nine stone that your other half will think you look fantasic and want to spend time with you and enjoy the new you , but i could see in my husband that id changed into someone that just wasnt for him any more, id become the real me and i wanted to live my life because if any thing having such major surgery makes you realise life is way too sort. I continued to ask him to go out with me to do things to really try and save the relationship but he really couldnt be arsed and it got to the point where he would go to bed and i would turn to my new found freind wine:cry: since id fallen out with chocolate due to the joys of dumping
things went down hill fast and i started to drink more . Sometimes people are not warned of addiction transfere be it and adiction to shopping which i also had at about six months hense 3 boxs of clobber in my cellar due to go on ebay ! or to drink which shocked me because id never been a big drinker, but when i was down before id turn to food especially chocolate , wine gave me that treat myself feeling all it did was make me more down. Christmas was hell and on new years eve i asked my husband to go out and he said nah dont fancy it but you go if you want
i was like what you want me to go out alone what would people think , he just shrugged his sholders i knew then it was over , he went to bed at 8 i sat with wine and cryed all night:cry: needless to say we seperated febuary he moved into a lovely bacholar pad
and i stayed in our home till it sold , the whole upheavel of the kids and having to go into tempory acomadation for eight weeks till the house i bought was ready was hell . Kids took it really bad as dad was happy as a pig in poop and mum was a stressed out woman who had to sort out kids and houses and jobs , they didnt know as soon as they were in bed i was dinking a bottle of wine just to get through the night. One of the worst things that was happening is people blamed the break up on me saying we knew you would dump him when you lost weight but to be honest it felt the other way round..........................................
Any how life has now changed iv been in my very own home for six weeks not as grand as what we have had before but its mine and the kids are secure and slowley im putting my mark on it , my husband got himself a girlfriend pretty soon after we split an old school mate that hed been speaking to on facebook for at least six months before we spilt :flirt2: (strange thats when his interest in me diapeared ) lol but i have some one new in my life too hes seen me at my worse and still gives me all the suport in the world hes there at the drop of a hat and has got me through some tough times bless him, i dont turn to the as much wine now as a crutch its a friday treat but in the last year i gained 8lb but managed to lose it again whilst moving , i no it dont sound a massive gain but GAIN is not a word i dont want to be using to be honest. I feel like my life has been paused for a year and now im ready to press play again so im back to the lovely warm comunity of wls to get advice and insperation from some fantastic peeps, plenty of old and new faces on here and some great results , proud of how well people have done x right if you have read all this and not nodded off well done lol catch you on the message boards very soon love hannah x x
In the first year of surgery the weight dropped steadyish never fast but that was ok i had no health issues so i was happy but iv always been an emotional eater so when my marriage started to go pear shaped the healthy eating and exersize went by the way side..........
problems started in september of last year, with my new found confidence i wanted to do more be more active , go more places , have more fun but i wanted to do it all with my husband and he wasnt keen. You think that loseing nearly nine stone that your other half will think you look fantasic and want to spend time with you and enjoy the new you , but i could see in my husband that id changed into someone that just wasnt for him any more, id become the real me and i wanted to live my life because if any thing having such major surgery makes you realise life is way too sort. I continued to ask him to go out with me to do things to really try and save the relationship but he really couldnt be arsed and it got to the point where he would go to bed and i would turn to my new found freind wine:cry: since id fallen out with chocolate due to the joys of dumping
Any how life has now changed iv been in my very own home for six weeks not as grand as what we have had before but its mine and the kids are secure and slowley im putting my mark on it , my husband got himself a girlfriend pretty soon after we split an old school mate that hed been speaking to on facebook for at least six months before we spilt :flirt2: (strange thats when his interest in me diapeared ) lol but i have some one new in my life too hes seen me at my worse and still gives me all the suport in the world hes there at the drop of a hat and has got me through some tough times bless him, i dont turn to the as much wine now as a crutch its a friday treat but in the last year i gained 8lb but managed to lose it again whilst moving , i no it dont sound a massive gain but GAIN is not a word i dont want to be using to be honest. I feel like my life has been paused for a year and now im ready to press play again so im back to the lovely warm comunity of wls to get advice and insperation from some fantastic peeps, plenty of old and new faces on here and some great results , proud of how well people have done x right if you have read all this and not nodded off well done lol catch you on the message boards very soon love hannah x x