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How do you deal with jealousy of others now you have had surgery, literally just had someone I thought was a friend *****ing at me cuz I have had surgery and how its unfair that I have had for free etc etc! And how she has had such a struggle and she can't get surgery! She has no idea what I have had to do to get this surgery amd how hard it is.
Grrrr jealous people make me mad!
If they are being like that then they are not true friends Hun , if you care about someone then you should be happy for them and what they achieve I have seen similar things with so called friends and even family members xx
I didn't tell all my friends, just a chosen couple, one of which is a lot bigger than me so I did wonder what her response was going to be, but she's pleased for me (I went private tho) snd she admits she's too scared to make the life changes involved
It's a brave move having surgery and this is why I don't want people knowing, they think it's the easy option?!!!! Well we know it is not it's the HARD option

Don't let it upset you, I'd see how your friendship goes but maybe you need to let her go x
Thanks for the replies,
Stupid cow is still moaning.
I don't need people in my life like that

, I hate how many people think I have just gone to the Gp and asked for surgery and been given it, they dont seem to get its taken 3 years of commitment and real lifestyle changes aswell as appointments with dieticians, psychologists and attending various groups there really needs to be more education on how hard it is and how its not the easy option!
It's tough dealing with friends in this situation. I have only chosen to tell a trusted few, that I knew would be supportive. I didn't even tell my step mother because I know her reaction will be one of "I've cheated" and she will turn it into a joke to hold over me.

Just remember - nothing in life is free. You may not have had to pay in money for your op, but you paid emotionally and in time and hard work. Hold your head up high and tell her exactly how you feel. If she is still reacting badly to you, then she maybe isn't a friend you need to see a lot of in your life.
Thanks for the replies, Stupid cow is still moaning. I don't need people in my life like that , I hate how many people think I have just gone to the Gp and asked for surgery and been given it, they dont seem to get its taken 3 years of commitment and real lifestyle changes aswell as appointments with dieticians, psychologists and attending various groups there really needs to be more education on how hard it is and how its not the easy option! xx

Jealously...that's all it is
I told hardly anyone,it's nobody's business but mine!
Watch your friends face when you are thinner than her!....priceless! :)
I've only had positive responses, and I told everyone! Now that I've lost a lot of weight I feel uncomfortable discussing how much I've lost/ sizes of new clothes etc around my bigger friends. They are all happy for me and I don't want them to think I'm being smug. We are a strange bunch ;) x
I am the same lippy. people ask me how much I've lost and I feel a bit embarrassed telling them. Isn't that weird? Was never ashamed or embarrassed about the op.
I told everyone all my friends, family and work colleagues supported me and congratulated me on the weight loss prior to surgery and are very very supportive.
i too only told a select few for this reason i guess! i just wouldnt even let her take up space in my brain! not worth it x x
Hello , I hope you don't mind me joining in, I have also had to be very careful whom I tell, I have only just been accepted for funding and put on the list, my own mothers response was it was the "cheats way out!":cry: its all quite upsetting but I keep reminding myself " it may look as if I'm on the bottom rung, but I have had to climb a mountain to get here from where I have come".
At the end of the day these people, who ever they are, have not walked in your shoes and don't know !
I salute anyone who has gone done this road.

kate x