Sharonimo said:You look fab, Luckyla !!
Like you (and probably many others) I also gave up on jeans at about 18 years old, at that time wearing size 18 and decided that "big fat bum" jeans (size 18/20 +++) just looked stupid.
Since then I have always been in tent dresses, tent skirts, or big black loose slacks.
I long for the day when I can also (a) wear denim again, (b) ever try on anything size 14 !
:drool: :gimi: -- those size 14s! (jealous !!)
atback: -- well done and thanks 4 the slimsperation !!
Mrs Quiggle said:You're looking brilliant well one you. And size 14, that's positively tiny.
Kate xxx
Karlos said:Chuff me you look great well done hun xxx