New Member
Hi guys I've just come home from work (half day on Fridays) in my uniform and hubby says wanna go out for lunch. Normally this sends me into a state of panic thinking oh no ill have to change out of my trusty old uniform, oh no thats my diet up in the air, what will I have, oh well it's Friday, sure why not, leading to me feeling that my "diet" for the week is over -irrational I know - BUT to day I heard myself say yep great I can have soup, hang on I'll just get changed! Might not seem a big deal to some people bit it's a major thing to me. My clothes are definitely looser and more comfy. I'm feeling more confident and I love it. Weigh in tomorrow so I'll let you know what the scales say. Hopefully they will be well down. Xxxx
. So happy