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New Member
Well I knew I was having a bad week and it just got a whole lot worse......My sons been rushed into hospital he has got some virus gnawing away @ his immune system:cry::cry::cry: If its not one thing its another lately.................:break_diet::break_diet:
I could really use some virtual hugs about now....... I think I go to bed and wake up next week and hope its a better week. Never in my life have I had such a worrying & stressfull week.................

Thanks in advance for kind words and support.
Well, it never rains but it pours for you Julie you poor thing! I am sending you that biggest fattest cuddliest (i made that word up :D ) humongous virtual hug you will ever recieve, to be honest.....you will never get another like it.........its on the way :flowers::grouphugg::grouphugg::gen126::grouphugg::hug99::gen126::flowers::hug99:
I so wish I could add some smileys and hugs like above, so I will look at learning how very soon, for now take this "big hug" and my wishes for a better week for you and your son.
Wendy, when you reply use the little box on the bottom left of the post instead of the quick reply and all the smileys etc are there for you to use, its a little blue rectangle with POST REPLY on it :D XX
hope your lad has a speedy recovery and your luck starts to change.
Hi Julie, big hugs coming your way, hope your son gets better soon, Karen x
MASSIVE HUGS coming your way hun.

Hope you boy is OK xxxx

Sending big hugs and best wishes for better times ahead for both you and your son:hug99:

Hope your LO will get better soon!
Sending you lots of hugs!
Oh god Julie, you are right, bad luck often comes in threes so hopefully this is the last bit of bad news coming your way for a while.

So sorry to hear about your son and hope he makes a swift recovery.

Thinking of you x
I'm really sorry to hear your soon is poorly, wishing him a speedy recovery and sending cyber hugs to you...hoping things pick up for you next week xxx