Personally I find I have to think nearly all the time about eating nutritionally . But that nasty voice inside my head still torments me to eat crisps , sweets. So I try to eat before shopping , cook from scratch , have bowls of home made soup in the fridge . Or quorn mini sausages to snack on in the fridge . Ice cold apples and ice cold oranges . When I'm really being tormented by that nasty voice e tempting me I put on head phones and turn up the music . Or go for a run / cycle / walk . Visit friends . I also go to a monthly support group and weekly SW . My heart was very poorly and despite losing ten stone it couldn't fix the damage I had done to it , I was critically ill and needed emergency open heart surgery . I never want to go through that again ( I really am the biggest whimp going ) so I rub my scar and say out loud all the things I'm grateful for . A bit cheesy I know but I really want to see my children get married and to play with my future grandchildren x