The friends thing is a bit weird. I've experienced some adverse reactions to my weight loss. My good, good friends at home in the States are all thin and encourage my weight loss with every step - they are amazing cheerleaders, as is my hubby! I wasn't ever really heavy until I moved to the Middle East - and then I noticed that a lot of my friends here were heavy, too. I think I was surrounding myself with heavy people... Since embarking on my weight loss journey I've kinda been "dumped" by two of my friends here. We were the three amigos - the three *fat* amigos - and since I'm losing we don't see each other much anymore, but I'm not really bothered by it. I think it's partially because they have seen me make changes and are a bit jealous because they are only getting bigger. I also think it's partially me bc I don't want to just go out and eat and drink anymore. I'm actually a bit turned off by them now, is that awful? On Friday they went to breakfast/boozefest and then continued drinking all day and into the night. I worked out with my trainer, took a long walk with my dogs, and did laundry. I feel a better person for not continually poisoning myself with food and booze anymore, but some of my relationships revolved around that and now I realize that maybe our friendship was just out of convenience, and not really a friendship. The people who want to go for walks with me, or to yoga, or get lunch and water instead of a bottle of wine - those are my friends now. Those are the people that I'm choosing to surround myself with, people who are healthy and have healthy habits. People who are positive and encouraging. This whole process is eye-opening but I wouldn't give it up for the world!