New Member
I know there have been posts about this before but it's really worrying me.
I am due to have my op before the end of March.
The only thing on my mind is if I will be left with loads of loose skin. I weigh about 25 stone. I weighed around 19-22 since I was 22 (im now 34) and fell preganant with my first son. I have always been oveweight but it's only when I gave up smoking 4 years ago that I put on about 4 stone and it really started affecting my health.
I have always carried my weight well (until now) and doctors and other people have always been surprised at how much I weigh.
I am 5'5 and am biggest around my hips, tum and bum.
I had 3 caesar sections and have a droopy tummy cause of it. This is where my fear comes in that I am going to end up with my stomach on my knees.
Is loose skin inevitable, is exercising everyday and loofering while showering a way of reducing it significantly.
I don't think I'll ever be able to afford an apronectomy privately and I know to get it on NHS is a hard fight.
Can anyone give me some advice or tell me there stories. Maybe show me some pictures if possible (of course I understand if that's not possible)
Thankyou, sorry for panicking:wave_cry:
Take Care
Paula XX
I know there have been posts about this before but it's really worrying me.
I am due to have my op before the end of March.
I have always carried my weight well (until now) and doctors and other people have always been surprised at how much I weigh.
I am 5'5 and am biggest around my hips, tum and bum.
I had 3 caesar sections and have a droopy tummy cause of it. This is where my fear comes in that I am going to end up with my stomach on my knees.
Is loose skin inevitable, is exercising everyday and loofering while showering a way of reducing it significantly.
I don't think I'll ever be able to afford an apronectomy privately and I know to get it on NHS is a hard fight.
Can anyone give me some advice or tell me there stories. Maybe show me some pictures if possible (of course I understand if that's not possible)
Thankyou, sorry for panicking:wave_cry:
Take Care
Paula XX