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lower body lift question


New Member
Hi all i am sure this is a sily question but will ask it anyway....i am going to have a lower body lift tum and bum....:) when they do your tum i know they free up belly buton and replace it and cut above mons but hip to hip more or less soi know they remove skin from below the belly button ...but do they smooth out the area above the belly button ..the bit of a midrift bulge i seem to have?? do they also reduce your flanks? ...lol i am seeing te palstics nurse on Thursday so i guess i can ask all these questions but would be interested re any of your experiences.... Ta loads Jude
Now there's a good question but is there a good answer? My experience of plastics has shown me that the name may be the same but different surgeons seem to do their own thing. Mr R sliced me round and at the front he pulled down the skin and I believe that was shaped into a wide V which then as it was stitched to the straight cut above the mons had the effect of pulling in the loose skin at the waist. He made the new navel and removed skin at the lower back and flanks which removed my saddle bags and pulled some a little of the outer thigh skin up but which did not deal with all of it by a long way. However he has not got the wide experience of Mr G who did the thigh lift for me. He spiralled the thigh lift instead of the straight down the inside of your leg cut. This has the effect of pulling more skin up. He then was able to pull more of the flank skin up as he recut Mr R's TT scar and 'hitched' it upwards so that at the rear it is not straight. Neither of these dealt with skin above the waistline. Mr G did an upper body lift to deal with all that loose skin that was hanging on my back but my money ran out so I couldn't afford the final tweak to my upper front which if I'm honest had been dealt with adequately by the extended TT but as Mr G demonstrated a much better result is possible. I went with Mr R as I knew and trusted him to do a good job and he did. Unfortunately Mr G with his wide post-bariatric experience in plastic surgery only joined the clinic after I had most of it done or I would have used him for the TT and arms. No-one does boobs and faces like Mr R so would still have had him for that.

Ask the nurse Judy and ask to see before and after pictures of previous patients. Plastic surgeons are manic with their photos (helps if they get sued as well as helps patients see results). Also ask her, or may need the consultant, to show you how the skin will lift. Mr G demonstrated it very well by grabbing handfuls of skin and pulling it into place with me nekked in front of a mirror and wasn't that a weird experience. An unexpected side effect of plastics is my reduced inhibitions off comes my kit whenever medically asked without thinking about it.

Hope you get your answers and good luck not long now

you are wonderful thanks so much you make alot of sense and it really helps for mé to formulate the questions to get teh answers. yes you inhibtionsfly out the window to be sure had that exp twice now lots of pulling around lol ...will keep you posted hope find out op date this week....hope you are well and enjoying life! x