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Luton Psych Appiontment...Help Me Please x


New Member
Hi there,

I would really appreciate some advice. I am currently waiting to have an appointment with the psychiatrist at Luton and dunstable. I am so worried about this appointment as I saw a guy getting refused funding after his psych appt-only last week! I also have a friend who had a tough time during hers because she had to talk about stuff that she didn't want to.

How deep do they go? I have lots of things that I really don't want to have to go in to.

Could anyone please tell me roughly what they had to go through? Good or bad, as by preparing myself it helps my anxiety. Thank you so much xx
This appointment is the longest one in the series and unfortunately people do get refused at this stage. I found it more of a fact finding sort of chat, they asked about why I was obese, my relationship with food, had I thought about what I would do if it was no longer a major part of my life, they covered my childhood what happened then how I was fed by my parents, what parents are like, It seemed to flow and explored all sorts of areas.

I think they catch on pretty quickly if there is an underlying issue that you have.

A few weeks after the appointment you get a virtual transcript of the meeting!!!

Good luck
Okay thanku for ur advice, I really appreciate it :)
Is it better to be honest about everythng through-out your life? I over-eat on meals but I don't comfort eat, or eat when I'm depressed, its just a matter of not being able to control my portion size.. I have had a gastric band, it worked wanders.. Lost 9stone, unfortunatlely it slipped.. I adapted my life around the band and it was just a tool to assist me to help me loose weight.. Its not a miracle cure, so I feel a gastric-bypass is defo the way. Foward and I am more than ready to have the operation.. But I'm just so worried about the psychologist :((
Charlotte x
I had mine at Luton about a month ago (op that is). The psyc was really nice. Just be honest - I'd just lost my mum after a short battle with lung cancer - she did ask if it was good for me to have the op so soon after a traumatic time but I'd done my research and it was something I wanted and needed to be done and importantly was ready to have done. She was really nice and I was pleased she saw I was ready. I'm sure they know when your just fobbing them off. It's one of the best decisions ever and hasn't had an impact on grieving so good luck and don't worry about it.
I would be honest, there is no harm in that, I am sure I have no idea what flashes up to say that things are not right!! I had a lovely lady as well, they just want to be sure that you understand the implications which you must do having had a band!!
Good luck
Hi Charlotte
I also am going through L&D I found the phys the worst part of my three appointments felt that she was very negative, turns out that she wanted me to see mental health team along side my surgery. I have since been back completed my 5% weight loss on the milk diet and have been back again to go on maintenance diet and was back again today to finally meet my surgeon and anisitist. I believe as long as you have had your refurral it shouldnt effect you I got my funding agreed on the first day I went and met with my doctor. Well good news my surgery is 7th January bad news is milk diet back on for xmas day :) xx Just be honest they are not there to catch you out they want you to get the best support possible x
Hi every1!!
Thanku very very much for every's kind advice, its so nice to hear every1's journeys. :)
I had a normal childhood, my mum and dad always told me to eat all my dinner up, the only thing was my mumwould then go onto ask "who wants pudding?" Then I would hesitate to say "me mum" as my dad would say " you don't need that love" as I wwas getting big by the age of 12/13.. So I would then go and secretly eat in the bathroom and it was always chocalate. I don't have a problem now of comfort eating my problem is not being satisfied wv a normal portion I have bigger portions then a normal person would.. Does any1 think that would jeperdise my chance with the psch?? That's the truth. Also I had a marridge breakup but that has nothing to do with the way I eat.. I have always had big portions. I am MORE then ready to have this op as I have had the wls.. Any more advice would be greatly appreciated
P.s - congrats bbecky that is great news!! Good luck :)
Thanks guys
Char xxx
[Hi guys, thanks ever so much for every1's advice :)
Well done becky! That's great news.. Hope everything goes very well for u.
I will be honest with the psch, I had a pretty normal childhood, but my dad did always tell me I didn't need to eat crisps, chocolate, puddings etc.. All the bad things, so I would go into the bathroom and eat all the bad things when I was young. My problem now is over-eating on my portions, I don't feel content with a normal sized portion, so I pile it on, so with the gastric band it was marvelous as I had that control to stop me eating so much, and was a tool to assist me to loose weight, I managed very well with band and going onto fluids etc.. So I am more then ready for this!! :) I split up from my husband, do I mention about that? Although thathas absolutely nothing to do with the way I eat. I don't comfort eat or binnge. I just over-eat too much on my meals, so if I am honest and tell them all this, what. Does every1 think?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys
Char x x x
I told her it was about my portion sizes as I didn't binge either just got used to massive portions
Okay.. Was the psch okay with that? That's what I will tell her. What do u thnk the main things are to pass the psch? What are they expecting from u? X
So is there any right or wrong answer about the way you eat for you not to pass? What would cause you not to pass the pysc?? X
They are trying to ascertain if you are mentally fit enough to have the operation!! Honestly go with the flow and things will be fine. What have you got to hide??

Everyone who is fat has got there by eating too much so portion sizes are part of that as is binge eating and all sorts of things. I told the truth because i would not have wanted the operation if it would have been anything i couldn't deal with afterwards.
I have nothing to hide, I will be honest as that's how I got fat in the 1st place.. I guess I just didn't want to say the wrong thing, as I am very mentally ready for surgery. Hope it all goes well :)
The thing is, if you are honest and they feel you need more help preop it is better to get it, because post op isn't anywhere near as hunky dory as its made out to be and you will be all over the place.
Yeah I understand what your saying.
I have had my 1st appointment and will be going back for my second in feb.. The nurse said that I will be starting the milk diet when I go back,? I thought you had to do the triple appointment 1st b4 the milk diet??
Confusing lol!.
You are given the milk diet during your triple appt when you speak to the dietician :)
Don't worry about asking questions - the more you know the better. Happy to help if I can.
Hello yvessa :)I was wandering if u could help me with this question, I was told by l&d that you don't have the triple appoinment until you go to the surgical dept.. I'm in the medical dept atm.. I thought u had to pass the psch etc etc b4 going thru to the surgeons etc? I'm so confused about the whole thing lol.. I have been ringing for cancelations but there fully booked as I imagined but worth a go eh ;). Thanks.. Char xxx