New Member
Hi all again here i am worrying about something someone else has said or i have read
. I had read a magazine that my mother let at my house after she had been babysitting, and it read something like " bypass warning my daughter died". I read on even so and now i am in a bit of a panic and for once thinking twice about surgery. I read how this young mum had a bypass as she had tried all her life like i have, she was a bit bigger then me but still, she was fine and come out of the surgery all went well, then she went onto fluids as you do and she then went to progress to mushy foods and could not get it down, so thinking it was a bit soon and going back onto fluids. but after months of this and getting and not getting any better went back in for surgey to make her pouch bigger but this failed, she then went in a further twice and there was nothing more that could be done for her and she died.
I really could have cried for her, i dont know if this it common and have never heard of this before, and it would be a great help if anyone could put my mind a little a rest if its know of a satistic.
Really sorry to bother everyone with something so not nice and a downside to the surgey but i really cant fine out much on this protental problem.
Thanks all for any hepl and it is apprectated.
I really could have cried for her, i dont know if this it common and have never heard of this before, and it would be a great help if anyone could put my mind a little a rest if its know of a satistic.
Really sorry to bother everyone with something so not nice and a downside to the surgey but i really cant fine out much on this protental problem.
Thanks all for any hepl and it is apprectated.