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making a will


New Member
As anyone made a will prior to surgery? I dont want to be morbid but yesterday I was talking to my mum about my surgery and I said that if the worst happens that I want my organs to be donated. We also talked about making a will. however I havent got a clue where to start. the main reason for wanting to do one is to say that if I die I want my 7 yr old son to live with my parents. Any advise would be greatfully received. X
i had a will drawn up a few days prior to my surgery I also took it with me to the hospital when I went for my surgery. I also wrote a letter to my son which I added to when I was waiting for my op.

It isn't morbid but often a necessity and if you have dependent children important!
Hi hon,

Whsmith sell a pack to make a will, its about fourty pounds I think. My mum found a site online to make her a will maybe google that?

Alot of solicitors will give you a free first consult so you could also call your local one up.

Good luck xxx
I had a will drawn up when my son was a few weeks old. My husband didn't bother - but it was something I felt important to do.......

I honestly think everyone should have a will and now is as good a time as any to make one.

Cost about £100 with the solicitors
Thanks for replying I've Googled it but from what I can see these diy kits srent worth the paper they are written on. I want to do it properly as it is all about my son but I cant afford to be paying 100's. I suppose I could ring around and see how much local solicitors would charge. X
With my nana she had written her wishes down, dated and signed it an that was enough. A DIY at home will job. (She didn't die during WLS!)
Thanks libbyb x
I did mine before my surgery. Even though I was sure I'd make it through I thought it was better to be safe than sorry. I didn't have anything of value to leave so I didn't do an official one but I wrote one with my wishes... organ donation if possible, cremation etc and what charities anything I did have could go too. I also wrote letters to friends and family saying how much I love them and that the surgery was my only choice left so if I didn't make they shouldn't blame it because I wouldn't make it without it. When I woke up from my surgery I gave the letters to my love ones to read and they really appreciated hearing just how much I cared about them. It was a rare opportunity to let people know how much you love them so I'm glad I took advantage of it. Why wait until your dead to let them know. If you do have property and children though, you should do it officially for peace of mind x
Thanks for replying shellymarie I also plan on doing letters to the ones I love. I dont have property as I live I a rented house. The only thing I am concerned about is what would happen to my son. X
i DO THINK ITS AGOOD IDEA. I didn't do it but I live with my hubby and we made a will when we took out our mortgage, my kids were already adults. Thankfully I made it through but I did say to close friends if anything went wrong I wanted them to tell my loved ones that I loved them and that I had no option but to do this for a better and healthier life. My funeral arrangements hve been made for some years now and live in my bible, my friends know that. I can understand it is a distressing time because the one time we need to think of ourselves we still have to consider others, a mothers role. xxx
My will & my husbands were written many years ago while we were moving house so already seeing the solicitor. They need updating as we subsequently had our youngest. We had thought about what we wanted to happen to our boys who was to be their guardian etc & thought we were sorted until the solicitor threw in the curve ball & said worst case scenario & we were all killed at the same time in a car crash or fire whatever scenario could potentially do that what would we want done with our assets then. So we left everything to our nieces & nephew feeling our parents, brothers & sisters were already established in their own rights that whatever we had would help our nieces & nephew more than anyone else.
In some ways yes its morbid, but essential once you have children & partners. Look at the tv programme heir hunters trying to find beneficiaries of someone who died without a will. I'd rather direct what ever I have to where I want it to go than the governments coffers. They've had their pound of flesh while I'm alive I'll be damned if their going to get the rest after my death.
We none of us expect to die during any surgery but it can happen so to be honest I'd rather know I'd left things sorted so its less stress at an upsetting time for my loved ones. My middle son had a near miss in his car recently, my eldest at his lowest came close to suicide I think its never to young especially once they reach an age of driving etc they should consider a will as well, not just us as parents but just as adults.
As each of my boys were born I filled out a donor card for each of them now they are all old enough they have done their own. I just felt it was the right thing to do incase the worse happened to any or all of us.
A solicitor will charge around the £80-£120 mark, if its just for guardianship and you have no property and its a single will (ie just for you) then it will be on the lower side. I did use a DIY pack because mine is straight forward but I will get one drawn up properly over the coming months.
Thanks everyone I really apprichiate your advice. Xx