Hi Cheryl,
My take home meds were as follows:
Lanzanporole ( Fast tab) 1 taken each morning before food or drink for 3 months post op. These prevent ulcers forming in the new pouch.
Soluble zinc 3 x daily for life! This sin't too bad, and on the plus side my nails are growing beautifully and my hair has not started falling out yet!
Calcichew D3 1 x daily for life! Very important for women to prevent osteo arthritis in later life.
Forceval multivitamin ( For the first few months you have to pierce the capsule mix it with food and swallow it as the capsules are quite big. I put mine on a half tsp of fromage frais then cover it with more fromage frais and quickly swallow as it tastes vile. This is for life also!
Liquid Iron 10ml twice a day for first three months. I am warning you this is also vile, it has a backwash of an almost toffee flavour but it really is very oily and disgusting. You also have to take it through a straw as it can stain your teeth and tongue black!! However after 3 months I can switch to one iron tablet daily which again is for life!
You also have to time when to take the meds, some cannot be taken together ( Calcichew and Iron)
Hope that helps, it does differ from surgeon to surgeon. But I have the utmost confidence in mine that he has all of his patients on the correct regime to prevent problems later on.