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So im almost 2 weeks post op and im feeling.... meh

i feel kindda sicky all the time.

I can sort of sleep on one side now, but if i try the other it kills. I think its more my back then anything. I havent slept for longer than 4 hours at a time since my op.

Looking at a couple of other people who had the op around the same time as me, i seem to have lost a wee bit less (only 4lbs or so).. but thats still a bit down heartening...

I seem to only eat about half a can of soup and a yogurt a day, with water, low cal squash and a small glass of half orange juice and half water a day - i know this is low in protein but i tried a protein shake and it made me ill, so i have some new ones coming this week.

I'm tired :(

It gets better right????

cant say i know how you feel im still waiting but wanted to say take care and look after yourself ,im sure you will feel better soon;)
Hi - sorry to hear your feeling so rubbish! Cant really advice on recovery for bypass but Im sure someone will be along soon to reassure / advise you.

Hope you feel better soon!

Maz x
Thanks debs and mazza :)
:grouphugg:just didn't want to read and run. Unfortunately i havent had the op yet so i cant give any advise, but i am sure lots of people will reply soon. From what i have read though protein will give you more energy - thats if you can stomach it :D. Dont forget its early days yet, you and your body have been through alot!!! xxx
Hi Becca, sorry to hear you feel grot. I expect the new protein will help (if you can drink it without barfing), really hope it does.
I am at my parent's for the night and they have not noticed I have lost weight. Gloom. And Grrrrr.
Hi Becca, sorry to hear you feel grot. I expect the new protein will help (if you can drink it without barfing), really hope it does.
I am at my parent's for the night and they have not noticed I have lost weight. Gloom. And Grrrrr.

Know how you feel nobodys noticed for me either :cry:

I had the gastric sleeve a few days before you,and 9 days after my op i weighed myself and i was heavier than before my op,:(.
Last Tuesday i weighed myself exactly 2 wks from my final weigh-in before the op and i had lost all of 5lbs.i too was disappointed as i have seen ppl on here loose a stone or 2 in the first month,but the way i look at it is each and everyone of us is different and our bodies deal with the swelling and healing process differently and given a few more weeks we will have a pleasant surprise and the weight loss will be more pleasurable.(fingers crossed)sorry if i sound to be waffling but i am sure you know what i mean.

As for the sleeping have you tried putting a pillow under your tummy to give it more support,it worked for me,it might be worth a try.

Dont get disheartened.

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I'm coming up 10 days sonce my bypass. I have been sick quite alot. I have found it impossible to take in the 2 and half litres of liquid everyday. I do try to take 1 fortmel each day because I know the protein will aid the healing process. I take all my meds - calcium and vitamin drops.
I can take in watered down soup, half a cup of tea and ice lollies made of sugar free juice. I struggle really and am better without much in the evening because when i go to bed it lays heavy on my stomach and can make me sick.
I feel like I'm really learning to read my body all over again. - suppose that's what it's all about.
Sorry if I'm rambling, but I think it's helpful to compare notes a bit.
I can also lie on my left side but not my right side. I haven't been able to sleep lying down yet either because that makes me feel sick too.
My sleep patterns vary too, but I am sleeping much better now than a week ago.
Again sorry for the rambles. Hope you soon feel better.
So sorry you are feeling poorly! I wanted to give you some feedback that might make you feel a bit better.

So im almost 2 weeks post op and im feeling.... meh

i feel kindda sicky all the time.

Hun, that is normal and to be expected you have had major surgery. Lots of people feel sicky, the anesthesia can make you feel sick and depressed for a bit after the surgery. This feeling will go away and you will feel much healthier soon.

I can sort of sleep on one side now, but if i try the other it kills. I think its more my back then anything. I havent slept for longer than 4 hours at a time since my op.

I had the same problem with my back and not sleeping directly post-op. If you put a pillow between your knees (puts your spine in a better position) and lean your belly onto another pillow, you might find side sleeping more comfortable. Also I got a week of sleeping pills from my doc & started accupuncture for my back. After 2 weeks I was sleeping like a baby and my back was sorted.

Looking at a couple of other people who had the op around the same time as me, i seem to have lost a wee bit less (only 4lbs or so).. but thats still a bit down heartening...

Please take my advice about this one, you CANNOT compare losses with anyone, not really. Only if you have the same start weight AND BMI AND health issues AND age AND lifestyle AND gender can you really compare and let's be real, that would be something if you found that person, maybe in a mirror??? Everyone is tempted to compare but you really just can't. Maybe those people only lost a few pounds pre-op so they are dropping fast post-op. Or maybe they have alot more weight to lose than you and that is why they are losing faster. It can't be your measure of success or it will drive you mad.

I seem to only eat about half a can of soup and a yogurt a day, with water, low cal squash and a small glass of half orange juice and half water a day - i know this is low in protein but i tried a protein shake and it made me ill, so i have some new ones coming this week.

You really are not eating enough food or drinking enough liquids per day. It is a common problem in early days to avoid eating if you feel sicky but you HAVE TO EAT! You must force yourself to have something with protein 6 times per day, have broth or more yogurt, protein shakes, etc. If you have a problem with milky type shakes, try the protein bullets diluted in a jug of water which you sip all day long.

Here is a link: http://www.minimins.com/surgical-weight-loss/90078-protein-shots.html

I'm tired :(
See above about eating more, you will feel better if you are getting more calories, calories=energy!

It gets better right????

I so PROMISE that it does get better, I swear and others can back me up. This is a hard time while you are healing but it does get MUCH, MUCH better!

so sorry you are feeling poorly! I wanted to give you some feedback that might make you feel a bit better.

so im almost 2 weeks post op and im feeling.... Meh

i feel kindda sicky all the time.

hun, that is normal and to be expected you have had major surgery. Lots of people feel sicky, the anesthesia can make you feel sick and depressed for a bit after the surgery. This feeling will go away and you will feel much healthier soon.

i can sort of sleep on one side now, but if i try the other it kills. I think its more my back then anything. I havent slept for longer than 4 hours at a time since my op.

i had the same problem with my back and not sleeping directly post-op. If you put a pillow between your knees (puts your spine in a better position) and lean your belly onto another pillow, you might find side sleeping more comfortable. Also i got a week of sleeping pills from my doc & started accupuncture for my back. After 2 weeks i was sleeping like a baby and my back was sorted.

looking at a couple of other people who had the op around the same time as me, i seem to have lost a wee bit less (only 4lbs or so).. But thats still a bit down heartening...

please take my advice about this one, you cannot compare losses with anyone, not really. Only if you have the same start weight and bmi and health issues and age and lifestyle and gender can you really compare and let's be real, that would be something if you found that person, maybe in a mirror??? Everyone is tempted to compare but you really just can't. Maybe those people only lost a few pounds pre-op so they are dropping fast post-op. Or maybe they have alot more weight to lose than you and that is why they are losing faster. It can't be your measure of success or it will drive you mad.

i seem to only eat about half a can of soup and a yogurt a day, with water, low cal squash and a small glass of half orange juice and half water a day - i know this is low in protein but i tried a protein shake and it made me ill, so i have some new ones coming this week.

you really are not eating enough food or drinking enough liquids per day. It is a common problem in early days to avoid eating if you feel sicky but you have to eat! You must force yourself to have something with protein 6 times per day, have broth or more yogurt, protein shakes, etc. If you have a problem with milky type shakes, try the protein bullets diluted in a jug of water which you sip all day long.

Here is a link: http://www.minimins.com/surgical-weight-loss/90078-protein-shots.html

i'm tired :(
see above about eating more, you will feel better if you are getting more calories, calories=energy!

it gets better right????

i so promise that it does get better, i swear and others can back me up. This is a hard time while you are healing but it does get much, much better!

hi there phatgirl is right in everything she's said i felt like you do for the first few weeks, i forced myself to eat and i constantly drank water,everyone loses weight at a different rate so please dont worry.im now 9 month post bypass and feel great and so will you it just takes time.good luck x x x x sarah x
Just wanted to say, It Really does get better and Phat girl has hit the nail right on the head, You NEED to EAT More, I know its really hard, but the more you eat the more you lose, Hope you start and feel better real soon, I am sure you will. x
Hi some great advise already given, the only thing i can add is keep the drinks warm even if its just water you will find it goes down easier
thank you all so much.
phatgirl, that was amazing, thank you for tackling each of my issues.
I think i knew i wasnt eating enough but was kidding myself i was.
I will try and have more tomorrow - and hopefully my new protein shakes will arrive some time next week.

Im so sorryive not been around much to support other people.. im just struggling with my own morale a bit at the moment, and even rallying myself to come on here is a mission.

Thank you all so muc for your replies, you guys help so much more than you know.

ir0, blondemoment and ladybird I am so sorry you are all feeling rotten. I'm not surprised you don't feel much like being on the forums Iro, its the last thing on your mind right now, it's nice to see you though and hope your back fully soon :)

You know what one of the things that impresses me most about this forum, it's the fact that there is always someone who has already been through it or knows what you are going through and they take the time to share their knowledge and experience with you in order to help you make your own journey as smoothly as possible.

The advise is always sound and I think helps people work out if and when they need to seek medical assistance. I can just imagine trying to find out some of the specific advice required with surgery of this nature from nhs direct lol.

There can be no substitute for the medical care given by the doctors, consultants and surgeons but I believe, equally important to aftercare is the support network that people receive here.

Gonna stop jibberjabbering now, hope you get more than 4 hours sleep ir0, take care Xx phoebe
Hi Becca, sorry you're still feeling crappy sweetheart. Can't really advise you as I'm not bypass but Nic has given you some gret advice. Hope you start to feel better soon and the weight will start coming off.just give it time as your body needs to heal as well.