I'm on the weight management programme at the L&D and been on the milk diet now for almost 5 weeks. I lost 16lbs in the first 2 and half weeks and another 7lbs since then. Need to lose 4lbs more to reach my 10% goal by 13th July, fingers crossed!
At the beginning I cleared a space in the kitchen cupboards that was just for my things like bovril, oxo, sugar free jellys, sugar free crusha etc and a shelf on the fridge for my milk and told myself that these are the only places I'm to go to when I'm hungry be that real hunger, emotional/stress eating or sheer boredom.
I also have to cook for the family and do the shopping but I have told myself that's my 'job' for now while on the milk and I also tend to cook more things that they like and I don't, so it's less tempting for me. I also did some batch cooking and it's ready in the freezer for days where it's hard to be around food. I find it much easier to micro the frozen stuff than have to be in the kitchen chopping and cooking and the family still get healthy home made meals.
I have my chicken bovril when the rest of the family eat their dinner. I put it in a bowl and drink it with a spoon! lol feels like I'm having soup and its been much easier to cope. Sometimes I put half a curry oxo in to change the flavour and then I'll have a crusha milkshake which feels like dessert. I eat my sugar free jelly in the evenings which was always a bad time for the munchies to strike
I drink lots of sugar free flavoured fizzy water to keep me full and try not to leave it longer than 3 hours between pints of milk or I get very hungry.
The first few days were definately the hardest, days three and four I had a terrible headache but that soon passed.
I've had the odd day where I've really craved something so bad I could smell it! I had to ask hubby to hide the car keys to stop me driving to the chippy lol
I've also cleaned out every single cupboard in the house and I generally try to keep myself busy to take my mind of food. I just keep reminding myself why I'm doing this, (theres a list on the fridge door) what the long term goal is and how much healthier I'll be in the future.
How did your appointment go?
Good luck with your journey
Tracey xxx