When you see the dietician they will give you all the info on the milk diet and how long you need to do it for.
I'm starting mine tomorrow and these are the guidelines I have been given:
4 pints of semi-skimmed milk (2 litres) and 2 pints (1litre) of other fluid. 1 Sanatogen A-Z Complete or Centrum multi vitamins. 1 salty drink e.g. Stock cube, oxo, marmite, bovril etc
You must also take at least 2 pints of fluid in addition to your milk. You are not allowed any diet fizzy drinks, however diet soft drinks e.g. squash is allowed if it is less than 7 calories per 300ml. You can include:
Tea or coffee, herbal or lemon tea (add sweetener if desired but not sugar)
Sugar free squashes ( check its sugar free or no added sugar)
Vanilla essence (or other flavours) or no added sugar Crusha liquid (except chocolate version) can be added to milk as flavouring (check label to ensure it contains no sugar)
Allowed extras
1 sachet (1 pint/600ml) of sugar free jelly per day
Sugar free chewing gum ( max 3 sticks per day)
Hope this helps, but please wait until you see your dietician to confirm what they want you to do, as each hospital has different plans etc. This is just to give you an idea of what St Richards has given me.
Hope all goes well and you don't have to wait too long
