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Mini tummy tuck apronectomy?


New Member
Has anyone had this on the nhs following weight loss? This is all I am funded for and I'm scared what will my top half of skin be like ?
Just be glad they are taking anything!Most of us will swap places in a heartbeat!

I remember seeing your pics on your diary so I see what you mean.

Surely the decision on which op to fund should be on a case by case basis, you lost an incredible amount of weight (withought WLS if I remember rightly) and it seems very unfair to apply a one op fits all approach.

Could you go back to your GP? xx
Hi maz im scared in case I end up with nothing,I've looked at my gp's first referral and it's him who asked for apronectomy,I wonder of he had asked for a full tuck I'd of got it, I feel rushed into making my choice,the surgeon felt embarrassed that we only had funding for the lower part,yea I'd be happy with the apron removed so long as the top skin isn't going to then hang over and make me look deformed,I could do with seeing some pictures really

To the lady above I know I may sound selfish and Ungreatfull,I'm just a little confused that's all x
Ok my gp just rang me back and he said he contacted funding today,who said even though the letter says apronocetomy if I need a full tuck then if the surgeon rings them,then they will fund it!!! Yay :D just trying to track my surgeon down now :/ x
Great news, so glad for you, you really deserve it after all your hard work
I've just been told I am having a Abdominoplasty ( full tummy tuck ) I'm now on the waiting list for surgery which will be within the next 6-12 weeks maybe sooner,I'm so pleased x
That's brilliant
Brilliant - so pleased for you x
ooh well what fantastic news if you are funded for moe more can you not ask about top half worth asking and if they can do it all together one op one recover.??? good luck you have come so far this is such good news for you. xxxx
Thanks everyone yes they are doing a full ,top & bottom,I just can't believe this is happening to me,I am incredibly lucky it doesn't feel real to me yet,what will life be like not having sores n feeling sweaty and unclean,or bending over without positioning my skin,what will it be like to be able to go out away from home for a full day without having to take fresh wipes to sneak off and fill up with tears to clean under it,or run up the stairs without it sounding like someone is clapping,or turn over in bed at night and not have to reach back over and bring my tummy with me! I'm in tears here! 4 years I've been like this 4 long years with a view to living the rest of my days like this :,( ladies never give up hope or the fight to get help with skin after your weight loss,no one should have to live like this,it should be a human right that not one of you suffer like I have x
arr i totaly agree with that post, i dont know whats up with me lately i seem to fill up easly, i too seen your posts and photos and the sores you have, you are so right no one should have to live with the hard job of looking after excess skin, i am only early post gastric bypass and that is what i am so scared about as i know my tummy with having children is going to be a poblem and i will excersice to try not to have it to saggy.
happy for you hun good news in the end then hey i look forward to reading how you get on.xxx
lyndajoan said:
arr i totaly agree with that post, i dont know whats up with me lately i seem to fill up easly, i too seen your posts and photos and the sores you have, you are so right no one should have to live with the hard job of looking after excess skin, i am only early post gastric bypass and that is what i am so scared about as i know my tummy with having children is going to be a poblem and i will excersice to try not to have it to saggy.
happy for you hun good news in the end then hey i look forward to reading how you get on.xxx

Thank you,I wish you the best of luck hun,and should you need help with your skin just remember you too can get a tuck,I've had a week from hell I can't stop blubbering I've broke my hand,for which this is week 2 in plaster I've had a minor op on my nose and I'm unsure of what day it is even lol xxx