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Moan about benifits


New Member
hi all just a moan really things were on the up life getting there got my op date then recieve a lovely letter from the jobcentre informing me that a benifits compliance officer is coming to visit me. I'm gobsmacked to say the least i dont work cause i look after 3 kids and my weight at the moment. my ds dad helps out as much as he can. after reading the net it seems that i may have been reported i.e someone living with me or i'm working. the letter has made me angry.
I no i have nothing to hide or worry about it's the principle, some people cant help themselves good job i got a support team that can back me. oh the joys! :sigh: :cry:
sadly there is always someone who wants to cause trouble....try not to let it get you down. Sometimes it can be a routine thing - they just like to check there are no changes to your circumstances and things are as they should be. As you say you have nothing to hide so if some interferring so-and-so has reported you then they will end up looking stupid and a timewaster for reporting you. Glad you have a good support team at home....but anytime you need to rant then us lot here are here too to listen xxx
It's awful when you are a genuine case and they are making you feel like you've done something wrong....

However in there defence some people do take the mickey out the benefit system. At least when they've visited you they will know you are not fiddling the system and hopefully will tell the stirrer to get stuffed in future xxx
As you go through life there are always people out there willing to bring other people down no matter what as they are the ones that are unhappy and feel the need to meddle peoples life, as you said you have done nothing wrong so things will be ok, I can imagine its a worry and your angry but its just procedure the benefits office have 2 take up, at the end of the day they have to investigate any allegations that have been made. Keep ya chin up hun xxx
There's always someone jealous who doesn't know the full story and just assumes you must be fiddling. I'm on disability benefits and absolutely terrified of the changes which are going on at the moment. I am really hoping they will leave me alone long enough for me to lose a lot of weight. With my mental health history it's going to be hard enough to get work without being the fattest candidate too.

you said your daughter's dad helps out. Do you think someone might be trying to say that he lives there or that he is helping you financially?
hi my sons dad helps due to my weight i cant allways get out and my son is a handfull at times his dad is a great help we are such good friends but thats all he never stops mine and doesnt contribute as he too is a lone parent with his other child. im on benifits and the same want to loose the weight to get off them i do have had mental health issues aswell so doesnt help i panic more but anger set in today.
They can come check i can 100% assure them no man lives here or that i work.
I just wish when they come out and see the truth they could do the person who thought it funny to report me they wouldnt be laughing then!
thanks guys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
you'll find that if they have been around before they will come around yearly just to see if your circumstances have changed
what goes around comes around....karma will make them scumbags have their day!
Thanks guys i rang today was told a bloke coming out tommorow to do a statement as i apprently have a partner news to me!. i know its malicious and hope which ever time waster gets there come upenc. i got a\ great support team who will back the truth xxxx
just wait til you're post op and losing weight quickly. They'll be thinking you've got lots of ever decreasing women living in your house.
Im glad that you phoned and at least know why you are getting a visit.

Compliance officers deal with "low" risk referrals, cases that fraud teams decide are not suitable for investigation, small benefit overpayments and computer based scan work - mainly on cases where the rate of benefit is more likely to be incorrect eg DLA in payment, children in education over 16 on the claim.

Some visits are purely to ensure that claimants are getting all the benefits that they are entitled to & also to ensure that the person registered at the address is who they say they are.

Other visits occur if somebody has made an allegation that a claimant is making a false or incorrect claim. This is obviously what has happened in your case - its upsetting but hopefully it will all be cleared up quickly x
been there myself hun, some people are just not content with there own life's and seem to have to get involved in other peoples, apparently i was in a relationship with my ex? i had a whole love life i knew nothing about? lol
I'm sure everything will be fine the person i saw was quite nice.
Your telling the truth and there job is to know when your lieing or not, so i wouldnt worry too much. good luck babe.xx
hi all thanks for you lovely advice, all has been sorted i'm in the clear as i knew. but what scares me is that me amd my ds dad have been thoroughly investigated and was reported in jan this year. im bit on edge that someone could have been watching me. the officer was fab though knew his job etc. he said they have to follow things up as in 90% cases they prosecute i thought yeah not in mine! lol
thanks all you so kind and words were so helpful big hugs to all xxxxx
ok tumbelina ,you can let johny depp,, david beckham and ryan giggs out ya loft now ,his gone lol,,,,really glad its sorted and you feel better,always will be someone trying to pee on our parade !, just sad people around xx
haha , cant really argue with that ,its def the captain jack black "guy liner! "x