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Moving house


New Member
For reasons beyond my control, I am having to move house - from the south coast to near the East Midlands coast.

Does anyone know if that means my funding (which had been approved) is now 'lost'?
If its a different PCT, it might well do. :( Speak to your GP.
Oh dear -you really need to check this as the PCTs vary so much in who/what they will fund.. You might have to end up 'living with a friend' where you are now and having amnesia about your new address!
On the other hand it could be that you fit the criteria in your new PCT and thst they have shorter list than where you are now.
Hope it works out well for you hun.
or you dont change your gp until after you have op,,,may be worth the travel for the end result , xxx good luck with whatever you decide x
I dont know, but I will keep my fingers crossed that it doesnt. Good luck :)
That is an interesting question. I hope it works out for you, but as others say, maybe do your homework on your new PCT before actually changing surgeries...
Thank you all very much.

Because of another medical issue I'm going to need to register at the new town so no longer Rother PCT. I think we will be East Lincolnshire.

Ah well, that's a pity xx
Here's hoping your success where you are allows for the transfer to your new home or at least gives you a good start on that ladder.
Hi Sue,

I was wondering how you have been doing. I had been following your journey earlier this year because I am also a Whittington person.

I realise that you may not have been online for a while, busy with your house move and all that, just wondered if you have everything set up now with your new GP and new PCT etc?

Best wishes,

dont change your gp mine has been lost gutted and i dont fall into the new pct catogory
Hi all

Sorry it took so long to reply. I had to change so haven't had the op. I believe the local PCT insists on 50 BMI so no luck unless I put weight on!

I've tried to get confirmation on this but no joy
Welcome back, Sue!

You were one of the first people whose journey I was following way back in June 2011 when I had just been referred to Mr Sufi at the Whittington.

Obviously your eventual surgeon and hospital will be different now. Hope you manage to get funding sorted ..... or get scoffing the pies to reach that "desired" (??? !!!) BMI above 50 status !!!
Welcome back, Sue!

You were one of the first people whose journey I was following way back in June 2011 when I had just been referred to Mr Sufi at the Whittington.

Obviously your eventual surgeon and hospital will be different now. Hope you manage to get funding sorted ..... or get scoffing the pies to reach that "desired" (??? !!!) BMI above 50 status !!!

Congratulations on your op.

I have worked out that based on my measurements at the hospital today (for a different issue) that my BMI is either 48.5 or 52.4 so I am up there - but I did have my shoes on!

I have emailed the leader of a local group to ask her if she knows what the criteria is here and I think I may 'just' scrape it but could be a turn down and then appeal jobby!