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My Band & Me - Making Sweeeet Music!!!


New Member
I have just found this site and it looks fab. Looking forward to new friends in similar position. I have been really overweight for over 30 years and now gone for gastric band as last resort. Now 8 weeks since surgery & had 1st band fill (1ml) but now not feeling full & starting to eat more. Getting worried about putting weight on. Does anyone think 1ml is too little & should I go back & ask for more? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. :553:
Hi and :welcome2: Hope you are doing ok with your band. We have loads of successful banders here so you should get all the advice and tips you need :D x
Hello and welcome. Good to hear you've been done and look forward to seeing the results :)
Im doing fine thanks, just counting the days down till I start my pre-op diet and then it all becomes real!!! :eek: Hopefully after a few weeks I'll be dropping the lbs like you ;) x
Thanks Mixman. You have done brilliantly - well done, you are nearly there. I hope I can do as well!!!
Gosh Jacqui, didn't realise you were waiting. Still - not long until the 27th - it's really exciting. Best of luck.
Just wanted to say hi! Im in Aberdeen :D
I havent even been referred for surgery yet though lol, I just got referred for the hospital weight control programme as my doctor said they are my next step when I asked about a bypass. I dont think there are too many of us Scottish lassies but everyone here is really friendly.
All my reserch has been into the bypass since that is what I want so I cant help you but there are lots of banders on here so you are bound to get the answers you need.
Good luck with the WL :D
Thanks 'Kylie', good luck with the weight control programme but at least you know that if all else fails you can go for the bypass. Iv'e heard that it gives a guaranteed weight loss. I kind of got the band by accident as I was referred to my surgeon through Bupa (got that through my work) for a stomach hernia & he said to me that if I liked he could also fit a band at the same time as he was "in there anyway". I had to pay for that bit but got it at a reduced rate. I really could't say no. It has been the best decision I have ever made as I have struggled for years to lose weight. Got a long way to go but feel that I am really on the road now.
All the best.
Thanks Charm55. Good luck for your BIG day on Friday. I look forward to reading how you get on. All the best.
Hi Anne

And welcome. Im not sure I will be much help because there are different sizes of band and each person will take a different amount of fills to get a good restriction. Almost all will not reach that stage after the 1st fill. Do you know what size your band is and if you had anything put in during the op?

My band is a 9mil band and I have had about 5 fills (I think) but none in during the op.

Maz x
Hi Maz, I don't know the size of my band but I will be asking that question at my next appointment. I was told during 1st band fill (after x-ray & baruim swallow) that there was a bit of restriction so he only put in 1ml fill.

Thank you for your advice and congrats on your weight loss. You are nearly there...
Anne, I am certan I want the bypass! If I could afford it myself I wouldnt bother with the NHS long route and I would do it myself privatly and have it done instead of all this waiting to tick all the boxes lol but I am trying not to get my hopes too far u, my BMI is 51 and grampians guidelines says BMI of over 60.
I have already been put on Oralistat by my doctor that didnt work and have tried conventional methods etc, I think bypass would be my last chance. Dad died of a heart atack at 46, my grandma wasnt much older either, so i need to do something and soon. I am honestly thinking that if I dont get anywhere here I might see if I can stay with a friend in Leicester for a few months and see if their PCT would be more helful? I lived in Leicester till I was 16 so its always an option(maybe - not sure I could leave my kids for that long).
I wish I was still with BUPA, I would speak to them about what they could do, but going through them without the insurance is 11 grand - scarey money! I lost my bupa when i got made redundent :(
But never mind, I know I will get there one day :)
Im already planning contingency, going to local MPs as NHS scotland says they use NICE guidlines under which I qualify (surely if NHS Grampian should be following NHS Scotlands guidelines!) and then if that doesnt work I want to see if I can raise money through a charity to go private although I think that would be harder. Lastly praying someone somewhere would give an ex-bankcrupt an 11k loan so I can pay myself although thats impossible since Im a stay at home mum at the minute...

lol - I should of stopped at "I will get there one day"
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Thank you. Its a bit hit and miss Im afraid but Im sure you will get the restriction you need soon x