Anne, I am certan I want the bypass! If I could afford it myself I wouldnt bother with the NHS long route and I would do it myself privatly and have it done instead of all this waiting to tick all the boxes lol but I am trying not to get my hopes too far u, my BMI is 51 and grampians guidelines says BMI of over 60.
I have already been put on Oralistat by my doctor that didnt work and have tried conventional methods etc, I think bypass would be my last chance. Dad died of a heart atack at 46, my grandma wasnt much older either, so i need to do something and soon. I am honestly thinking that if I dont get anywhere here I might see if I can stay with a friend in Leicester for a few months and see if their PCT would be more helful? I lived in Leicester till I was 16 so its always an option(maybe - not sure I could leave my kids for that long).
I wish I was still with BUPA, I would speak to them about what they could do, but going through them without the insurance is 11 grand - scarey money! I lost my bupa when i got made redundent
But never mind, I know I will get there one day
Im already planning contingency, going to local MPs as NHS scotland says they use NICE guidlines under which I qualify (surely if NHS Grampian should be following NHS Scotlands guidelines!) and then if that doesnt work I want to see if I can raise money through a charity to go private although I think that would be harder. Lastly praying someone somewhere would give an ex-bankcrupt an 11k loan so I can pay myself although thats impossible since Im a stay at home mum at the minute...
lol - I should of stopped at "I will get there one day"