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My case was looked at today....

oh good luck vamp, i really hope you get it :) xxx
Thank you Caren, Dont know what ill do if i dont, sick of the knock backs and disapointments :( xx
you and me both mate, it makes us ill lol
Really hope you get a positive outcome this time vamp! Well done for not giving up! X
Good luck hun hope u get a YES ;)

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I hope you get the funding you need. Are you trying to get a loan. Im afraid i dont understand what you have to go thru in the uk to get the procedure.

I think that is perfectly natural, as I have been very much the same of recent lol
Good luck hun.. You will get there in end. xxx
Thank you everyone, urgh its only 2 days afterwards but i literaly sit near the door waiting for the postman lol,!! x

Trust me,I know EXACTLY what you mean...I've been reported twice for stalking the Postman :8855:

Good Luck hun xx
Why do you hate your band?? Im hoping to have one in next few weeks and would just like your opinions on it please
Andy1968 said:
Trust me,I know EXACTLY what you mean...I've been reported twice for stalking the Postman :8855:

Good Luck hun xx

Rofl!!!!! I love it! Lol
vampalicious said:
i hate my band because all ive had is trouble with it for the past 8 years, when i had fills the restriction went after a week every time, i never use to feel full just had really bad pain, and now i get bad shoulder top pain all the time due to the band, i only ever lost weight when i went on slimming world, which i put back on when i came off it,

but thats only my experience, obviously its not the same with everyone and most people do well with the band.. i just wish id have had the bypass instead x

One of my friends also said she wishes she had gone for the bypass too. So you are not alone. It works amazingly well for some and not for others. Just like the bypass also I guess.

Really wishing you all the luck getting your conversion xxx