1. My 16 year old daughter, who is in the first year of A levels, has decided she wants to be a doctor. As well as getting straight A's, she is going to need lots of medical work experience. We have a week lined up with a gp, and some nursing home volunteering, some podiatry work, and a week at Barts over the Summer. Overall she will need about 6 weeks. Is there anyone here who would be able to offer her anything, preferably before the Autumn. I dont mind where in the country it is, i'll put her up in a B and B, or what she does (hopefully different from what she already has), as long as its medical. I know there are a few medical people on here, so i thought i'd ask! I know its cheeky!! xxx
2. She is also doing a 'critical thinking' AS, and wants to do a medical extended project, which will then be useful for her medical school application. She has been very interested in what i have had done, and wants to do something related to the NHS side of bariatrics. She thinks it'll be along the lines of 'Should bariatric surgery be offered on the NHS'. She will need scientific papers etc, and anecdotal evidence. Also peoples opinions. So, if you can help with the scientific evidence, please post the links here for me, but if you're happy for your opinion to go into her project, please can you write about it here!! I'll be most grateful for any help received.

Thanks in advance! xxx
2. She is also doing a 'critical thinking' AS, and wants to do a medical extended project, which will then be useful for her medical school application. She has been very interested in what i have had done, and wants to do something related to the NHS side of bariatrics. She thinks it'll be along the lines of 'Should bariatric surgery be offered on the NHS'. She will need scientific papers etc, and anecdotal evidence. Also peoples opinions. So, if you can help with the scientific evidence, please post the links here for me, but if you're happy for your opinion to go into her project, please can you write about it here!! I'll be most grateful for any help received.
Thanks in advance! xxx