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My final night out as the fat friend!!!


New Member
Tonight i am heading out with my friends to celebrate my upcoming new me.... Pretty f**king stoked to be fair that i have a huge network of support.
Spoken to my surgeons secretary this morning and my surgery will be in approx three weeks time. So this is my blow out night. I am gonna Party hard.... Well as hard as my mass weight will let me LOL. xxx:553:
lol fantastic!! have a great time niks :) xxx
Hope you have a fantastic time :)
Thanks Ladies xxx
I am celebrating my 40th tomorrow night and it is my final night out as a fat friend too. Hope we both have a brilliant night and in six months we will be a much thinner friend.... :)
Enjoy! xx
I think you should take a pic...when your all dolled up as the 'fat friend' and then you can compare it later in the yr to the 'fit friend' pic!!! X
MissyMustDoIt said:
I think you should take a pic...when your all dolled up as the 'fat friend' and then you can compare it later in the yr to the 'fit friend' pic!!! X

Brilliant idea. Wish I'd done proper before and after pics.

Have a fabulous night both of you!!!